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1 hour ago, Bjorn said:

Incredible account. Going for 200m? Do you also do NMZ when you're afk and daily tree runs for the Farm pet @Henrik


Thanks. Going for 200m straight yeah. Atm I don't have much afk time i work during the day and scape after work, but i'll be nmzing 200m str eventually over time (when i afk) when my schedual changes next month. Not farming right now as prices are inflated.

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7 hours ago, Henrik said:


Thanks. Going for 200m straight yeah. Atm I don't have much afk time i work during the day and scape after work, but i'll be nmzing 200m str eventually over time (when i afk) when my schedual changes next month. Not farming right now as prices are inflated.


Why not do the daily oaks, apple trees and calquat just for chance on farm pet. Goals are on point, good luck

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1 hour ago, Bjorn said:


Why not do the daily oaks, apple trees and calquat just for chance on farm pet. Goals are on point, good luck


thanks man.


and idk just cba farming with slow methods I guess 

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