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Gf Torso


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What an epic update! The fighter torso has finally been nerfed! There are riots grouped together all over world 6 complaining and spamming. Another good thing about the update is that you can paint your whip for only 50 points of any role, and personalize it. Best update since 2004!

This update has led to a new type of Runescape Character; The so called Cry-Baby.

Example on a crybaby :

''zomg zomg zomg omfg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

raaaaaaaaaaargggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ziomg roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

kk ima calm down now, phew

jagex what were u thinking in the office? ''

If you really want to laugh IRL, you should go check out Forums->Recent Updates.

Off Topic: Penguin spotted at barb outpost  :D


Agreed gf 45 defers.


So much for that part of rune pure strength bonus, lol.  Painting whip is interesting, nice update there.


Gf torso ;o


gf lol

im kinda lookin into getting the trident, save a few runes and a nice magic bonus, only thing is it is 2 handed  :o


Gamed Torso Colourd Gfs would be cool red ags plox!X D


Picture taken on my main with a white coloured whip  :).

Posted Image

Another quote from 'X Maxi', a very frustrated user letting his anger out on the RS forums.

''i dotn care about the ******* full set i just want the ******* torso for the ******* str bonus it was a great great torso and widly used and now jagex change it for no great reason ? **** them!''


you think coloured whips is the best update since 2004?


you think coloured whips is the best update since 2004?

Not really, i'd prefer the ''Old'' whip, the best thing about this update is absolutely less torso-welfare in pvp.


im 45 def and not too fussed as i use stat for str bonus whilstpking but they will prolly change it back soon anywho


Last night I was pking on my main whilst wearing torso and I died and was sick of my life thinking i'd have to get another one, then BAM this update means I don't need to. woo


A lot of PJ'ers have buttlicked jagex recently.

The strength bonus has returned and the prayer effect hasn't.

Another scenario of jagex listening to the selfish stereotypes of runescape  (n).


I haven't seen many rune pures pking with torsos since the bh update. Ehh, doesn't affect me. Bando's on my main and my pure is 1 def.


Haha, there has been colored whips in PRIVATE SERVERS for like 2 YEARS.

GF Jagex


Torsos str bonus is gonna be back anyway


Nvm they bring the str bonus back.

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