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Lekker bezig Ronny


Zijn er pures in DMM? Of heeft dat totaal geen nut?

1 hour ago, Grifte said:

Lekker bezig Ronny


Zijn er pures in DMM? Of heeft dat totaal geen nut?


sup! haha nee man, geen combat brackets dus iedereen pompt gewoon max combat mogelijk


nigga hides rsn but talks in chat

sick ownage ronald have you attempted DMMT yet?

if so how far did you get playa

1 hour ago, Cody said:

nigga hides rsn but talks in chat

sick ownage ronald have you attempted DMMT yet?

if so how far did you get playa


yolo. not really mate, played the first day for bants here and there but never had the time to commit 6 days. might play if they add the combat caps 

Runite Bolt

Nice video, I couldn't even get past to level 50 in normal deadmode lol... 

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