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The only people  that shove religion down my throat are the constant atheists placing videos/websites about atheism. Ironic right?

Atheism isn't a religion bro. Is it not your will to hear what they are saying, or read what they write? YOU, yourself clicked on that video, or on that website. Mormon missonaries come to my house very often, even though I specifficly have a 'No Soliciting' sign in plain view. It's printed on our money, "In God We Trust", and in the Pledge Of Allegiance, "One Nation Under God". My own parents constantly pressure me and try to convert me using their flawed logic. (Now I understand that's a personal problem)

But religion is very much shoved down my throat, much more than I believe the lack of it is.

Lol @him thinking atheism is a religion... :wow:

A bit late, but I didn't see you reply.

Religion = A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

Atheism = Belief there is no God.

Obviously, atheism is a religion. One cannot scientifically prove or disprove the existence of a god. Therefore, there must be some leap of faith, to some degree, to get from agnosticism to atheism. Atheism to be the belief in no gods, rather than no belief in gods. This is a religious belief.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America has acknowledged that "religion" does not need to include a belief in a god or gods.

I can go on all day, it's the ignorance of atheists that irritate me. Oh and to RxBandit, are you really butthurt that under God is in the pledge of allegiance? Are you going to be that guy who sues the United States Government for infringing upon his rights? I mean come on, don't be dramatic about this. And as for your personal problems, that's your own unique set. Solve it on your own.

atheism isn't a religion and will never be. A religion is about believing in a god, that's why there is a debate on whether buddhism is or not a religion.

but i do agree that a lot of atheists shove their beliefs (or lack of) down our throats.


or for the definition of religion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion

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That approach of looking at atheism is quite interesting, but it isn't a religion. I like this


One cannot scientifically prove or disprove the existence of a god. Therefore, there must be some leap of faith, to some degree, to get from agnosticism to atheism.

But faith doesn't go hand in hand with religion, you can have faith in people and in objects. You can have faith that the chair will support you so you don't check it every time you sit down.

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To call atheism a religion is ridiculous. It is the lack of belief in a supernatural power.

You, for example, lack belief in an invisible carrot resting on my shoulder. Your lack of belief does not mean that you belong to a religion which does not believe.

But faith doesn't go hand in hand with religion, you can have faith in people and in objects. You can have faith that the chair will support you so you don't check it every time you sit down.

That is not faith. You are basing your belief that the chair will not collapse on past experiences sitting in chairs. It is learning through observation.

Lots of silly semantics arguments. There is no proof, and therefore no reason to believe. All that needs to be said.

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^ but atheists do believe in something, that's refusing to believe that god exists.

agnostics do not believe in god but also they dont refuse to believe in him since they cannot prove that exists/doesnt exist.

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No, they do not believe in anything. It is simply the assertion that there is no reason to believe in something without any evidence. There are infinite things that i could conjure up that you do no believe in. It does not mean that you qualify for a specific belief counter to everything that you do not believe.

It's a silly argument.

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No it's a legitimate argument. Like I said before there is a leap of faith between agnosticism and atheism. Basically you have faith that there is nothing supernatural in the works. I may have gone on the deep end about atheism being a religion.

The FIRST definition of faith is -  Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Atheists must have faith that what they believe in is true. Now you may call it silly, but if you get down to the core it makes sense.

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Several things.

1) This is completely unrelated to the topic, or even in more general the existence of a deity.

2) There is no leap of faith. It is simply a conclusion drawn from the available evidence. Once again, it is the assertion that there is no reason to believe in a god without sufficient proof, or any for that matter. It is no declaration.

3) No, you cannot say with scientific integrity that there is no god. This would imply that if evidence were to surface, you would refuse to evaluate it (emphasis on the if). That would not follow the scientific method. However, this is not a victory for the religious community. Often times, religious people will rejoice when an atheist says that, because they believe it validates their unfounded beliefs in some way. It does not.

For example, if i were to say that there is a magic dog living under my bed that was not observable by any means available, you could not claim with absolute certainty that it does not exist. This does not mean that the odds of it existing are 50/50. They are very slanted in one direction, as is the case with a god.

Atheism is lacking belief because there is no evidence (I know I have said this 14 times, but obviously it isn't being heard). If you want to classify that as agnosticism; go ahead. It's a really tiring argument.

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No it's a legitimate argument. Like I said before there is a leap of faith between agnosticism and atheism. Basically you have faith that there is nothing supernatural in the works. I may have gone on the deep end about atheism being a religion.

The FIRST definition of faith is -  Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Atheists must have faith that what they believe in is true. Now you may call it silly, but if you get down to the core it makes sense.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I believe my phone i on my table... Oh shit that means I believe in phoneism... I mean srsly..

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No it's a legitimate argument. Like I said before there is a leap of faith between agnosticism and atheism. Basically you have faith that there is nothing supernatural in the works. I may have gone on the deep end about atheism being a religion.

The FIRST definition of faith is -  Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Atheists must have faith that what they believe in is true. Now you may call it silly, but if you get down to the core it makes sense.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I believe my phone i on my table... Oh shit that means I believe in phoneism... I mean srsly..

The phone isn't on the table, because you are dreaming about the phone being on the table so the phone is not really on the table, only in your dreams.

but believing that the phone is on the table makes it exist, because it exists at least in your imagination.

so the phone is kind of on the table even though it's not really there because you are dreaming about it being there when it's not

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No it's a legitimate argument. Like I said before there is a leap of faith between agnosticism and atheism. Basically you have faith that there is nothing supernatural in the works. I may have gone on the deep end about atheism being a religion.

The FIRST definition of faith is -  Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Atheists must have faith that what they believe in is true. Now you may call it silly, but if you get down to the core it makes sense.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I believe my phone i on my table... Oh shit that means I believe in phoneism... I mean srsly..

The phone isn't on the table, because you are dreaming about the phone being on the table so the phone is not really on the table, only in your dreams.

but believing that the phone is on the table makes it exist, because it exists at least in your imagination.

so the phone is kind of on the table even though it's not really there because you are dreaming about it being there when it's not


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Not understanding the horse picture, it's obviously an idiot for putting itself in that situation.

It's a horse... :huh:

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Not understanding the horse picture, it's obviously an idiot for putting itself in that situation.

It's a horse... :huh:


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  • 3 weeks later...

My view on religion:

There is no god. And if there is I would like to punch him in the fucking face, for continuing to put my mom in the hospital. I used to believe, but then I realized how stupid it really is.

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You could say that about anything though...

My view on something else is "It is stupid." Well okay.

All I can say, my dad was diagnosed with fibromyalgia an uncurable condition which brings extreme pain to the joints and muscles. He eventually couldn't cook, walk, get in or out of bed, get dressed or even get into the bath. Yet, through faith alone he is now healed completely. Praise God. :D

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You could say that about anything though...

My view on something else is "It is stupid." Well okay.

All I can say, my dad was diagnosed with fibromyalgia an uncurable condition which brings extreme pain to the joints and muscles. He eventually couldn't cook, walk, get in or out of bed, get dressed or even get into the bath. Yet, through faith alone he is now healed completely. Praise God. :D

He's a LUCKY guy.

My mom has had 24 blood clots, 2 to the throat, 1 in her lung( both of which are usually instantly fatal.), the others neck, arms, and legs.

She has to take medicine that contains the same basic ingredient as rat poison, every day for the rest of her like. Her bones are brittle and break easily, she literally bruises like a banana. And now she may very well have liver cancer(Fatal)...

Yea god is good...

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Well then I'll pray for her. It definately was not luck. My dad now has his own ministry going round the world teaching and healing, which is pretty awesome.


He is my favourite "preacher". If it helps at all. Confession by mouth, believe in your heart that he WILL heal you and you'll be healed. Faith and favour.

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Christianity is faaaaarrr to corny and unbelievable for me to even spark my interest. Then there's the thing, when you go to heaven, you reside there forever... Uh yea no thanks lmao, when I die.. I wanna be fucking DEAD not live forever, that would be boring as fuck.

And after the priests raped those boys, and the pope defended them, and made it so they didn't get in trouble... That disgusted me, and made the thought of being christian repulsive to me.

If I was to believe in any god, or follow a religion, I would be Buddhism (or guthix for rs'ers) It's an extremely underrated religion.

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Not a single priest I've ever known wouldn't even dare do that... plus that's more catholism.

As for the whole boredom, There won't be anything bad in Heaven. Boredom is pretty bad, plus I'm going to have a mansion made from gold awww yeeaahhh. Although I can't really tell you what it'll be like, I'll probably be having a huuge party.

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