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anyone good at video editing?

x itsonme x

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yeah ive run out of ppl that are capable or willing to edit my vids and i suck at it and dont have time to edit for myself so if u are interested in editing vids for my channel for pkers like brian289 or rune pures with turmoil drop a pm or let me know here

i dont have much to offer but if u enjoy this kind of thing and want to see ur vids gets views or just like practicing i would appreciate it


Editing is over-rated just make sure they have quality clips and that can do the talking.


Editing is over-rated just make sure they have quality clips and that can do the talking.

Exactly, i prefer simple editing so you can actually see whats going on


Editing is over-rated just make sure they have quality clips and that can do the talking.

Exactly, i prefer simple editing so you can actually see whats going on

ok but i still need someone who can edit simply? lol ive never touched a program used for editing

hope you find what you want  ;)

gl  ^_^

I can, I'm not like WOW FUCKING AWESOME but I can edit a vid


i guess give Devin a shot :p


I can, I'm not like WOW FUCKING AWESOME but I can edit a vid

yh ok u got msn or something

I can, I'm not like WOW FUCKING AWESOME but I can edit a vid

yh ok u got msn or something
I have aim and facebook. That's bout it

^Cemo is a pretty good editer


cemo doesnt like me and would just want to upload to his own channel lol


cemo doesnt like me and would just want to upload to his own channel lol

No,why would i do that,i can only upload my vids on  my channel,i'll edit if u want,wouldnt mind u uploading one of my vids on your channel tbh tho u  want me too u no we luv each other


cemo doesnt like me and would just want to upload to his own channel lol

No,why would i do that,i can only upload my vids on  my channel,i'll edit if u want,wouldnt mind u uploading one of my vids on your channel tbh tho u  want me too u no we luv each other

ok add my msn and we will talk

itsonme42@yahoo.com if u dont got msn pm me on here or something with a way we can talk

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