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Adam | LayDown

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Adam | LayDown

Got 60 atk, Delete plz.

Adam | LayDown

60 atk i would say, coz ur speaking about money :/

50 atk for rich bois

ya, i mean im not poor but at the same time, why waste money when u can welfare :P (technically)

Adam | LayDown

ahh u guys make me contemplate this even more, I NEED PROS AND CONS HERE!


60: fun, more weapons, higher cmb, (higher is also funner imo, as its a bigger challenge)

50: limited weapons, lower cmb, more hot/unique'ish stats.

with your stats id just get 60. bc u wont even be melee based lol. if u stay 50 u can get like 91+ str and its a lot of work rly not really worth it if you like pking.

Adam | LayDown

60: fun, more weapons, higher cmb, (higher is also funner imo, as its a bigger challenge)

50: limited weapons, lower cmb, more hot/unique'ish stats.

with your stats id just get 60. bc u wont even be melee based lol. if u stay 50 u can get like 91+ str and its a lot of work rly not really worth it if you like pking.

i plan on getting 90 range b4 i work on 90 str so... right now 60 atk is looking pretty good lol


yeah go for it :)

u can still use same weapons as u can with 50. the 50 atk weapons like vls/maul is all about timing anyway.


IMO maxed 60 with your low pray would be just as unique as 50.  Also the game is about fun, so why not get 60?


stay 50.

If your good with comboing use stay 50


50 , 60 sucks..trust me..t.t.

60 makes training easier though.


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