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[Official] Statement Regarding Future Preparation Wars With Breakable


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First off, I would like to congratulate the elites on a monumental victory and rivalry win against breakable. Pat yourselves on the back and go take another look at the videos from the prep. The movements were unbelievable and you all fought as one.


Next, I would like to address any future events with said clan. The fact of the matter is we are the champs and the champs do what ever the fuck the champs want. With that being said, the champs chose not to fight dishonorable clans whom not only DDOS but also utilize first pile leaks as well as attacking on their defending round and cape switching. 


If you can recall we have also had several preps against Eruption Of Pures (or Mains which ever makes you happier) which we have a long history of beef with that never resulted in such lewd behavior as well as clans like Supremacy, Fatality, Sovereign and others. 


Unless a public apology has been made confessing your sins, the P2P prep is where it will all end for you. We don't care about declarations or sharkbrew awards you can shove them up your ass (and you will probably like it). 


Thank you for your time,

Final Ownage Elite







p.s have fun getting camped by cd+mains this weekend losers. I'll be sipping on a cold one with the boys while I laugh at your join.me

1 minute ago, Austin said:




broooooooo lol


hanus gay

ubs fucking d3d l00l0l0l

My Overheads

was in the middle of cracking open a peach-a-rita while reading your topic about ub getting fucked lmfao

1 minute ago, My Overheads said:

was in the middle of cracking open a peach-a-rita while reading your topic about ub getting fucked lmfao



ub has hit a new low after f2p prep


how the hell does ub and eop leaders suck so fucking bad at running a clan when that's what the majority of their attention goes to. lolol


dont be cocky and lose tonight retards

Just now, Alcohol said:

dont be cocky and lose tonight retards



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