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[FOE] Saturday F2P Trip ~ Taking down EOP, Unbreakble, Apex

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Today Final Ownage Elite peaked at a strong 60 elites, taking on Eruption of Pures, Unbreakable and Apex today, while running into some other clans. We owned them all when they took us on in matched 1v1's and easily showed them who the better clan is x].Was a easy day for the Kings despite having to deal with basically every clan we fought focusing us in the clusters.


Fun trip, thanks to all for coming. Thanks EOP + Apex for the fights & shame SV crashed with mains.












For the first fight of the day we took on Apex at boneyard, they were defending on the North-West tip of boneyard. We came from the southern part of Boneyard, pulling scims right onto Apex dropping a majority of their front-lines. Shortly after the fight started, Eruption of Pures attempted to crash but we were ready. The fight dragged down to Chaos Altar, while Eruption of Pures got slammed from both sides with Apex following them south. Their members were getting wiped off the map as we went south. We turned off Eruption of Pures and turned on Apex, making them run into Altar. Once we cleared a huge chunk of their members we turned out focus back onto Eruption of Pures. We pushed Eruption of Pures out of Chaos Altar finishing off the core of their members. In a sad attempt, they started to run to Corp Hill for a regroup but by the time they got there, they were dead. We dipped out after we finished them off, was easy and more clans were on the way to crash.


For the second fight of the day, we took on Eruption of Pures at Bandit Camp tele. We both ran at each other clashing in the middle of Bandit Camp Spot. The fight lasted minutes, as we slammed Eruption of Pures members along the water. They started dropping and slowly started heading to the west. That is when Critical Damage attempted to hit us from behind. They didn't even phase us, we continued to slam Eruption of Pures until they retreated into single. Sovereign ruined the fight by rushing in our capes with mains, why are you doing it? The fight then broke out north, between us and Eruption of Pures. Critical Damage decided to hit us from singles??? so we moved north and EOP moved south. When CD was the only clan left we dipped out.


After Critical Damage hit our fight we decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. We logged in on-top of them South-East graves forcing them to instantly run away from us. Critical Damage not sure why you tried to hit us from single?


The next fight broke out at the High Altar between Unbreakable, Eruptions of Pures, and Foe. We pulled scims onto the altar smashing into Unbreakable and Eruption of Pures. People were dropping everywhere and our unit stayed strong, after about a minute Unbreakable dipped into single since a majority of their members had died. Shortly after Eruption of Pure' followed them. We were the last clan standing inside of High Altar. We quickly made sure we ended on top and headed towards the bank.


We took on Eruption of Pures at Corporal Beast Hill, we first pushed up on top of Corp Hill crashing into Eruption of Pures. We pierced through the front-lines and smashed them in the center of the hill. For the next few minutes we continued to destroy them on the center of the hill. Once Eruption of Pures realized how many members they lost they started running around wildly all over the place like headless chickens. We followed them finishing their members off, by the time we were done with two thirds of their clan was dead. Once the fight had ended and Eruption of Pures was regrouping, Supremacy attempted to hit us from the North Side of Corp Cave. We pulled scims on top of them and cleared them into single, before we dipped out.


Good fight Eruption of Pures.


A fight broke out at Boneyard and we were hungry for more action, so we joined in. We slammed into Unbreakable from behind at Bone Yard killing a huge chunk of their members. Apex and Unbreakable both turned their focus onto us, but that didn't stop us from slaughtering them. After fighting Unbreakable for several minutes, we pushed them into singles before turning our focus onto Apex. We chased Apex dropping them as they ran, pushing them all the way back to Corporal Beast Hill. We destroyed a majority of their members before Eruption of Pures attempted to hit us from behind. We dipped out shortly after we pushed the remaining Apex members to the north of graves.


The last fight of the day started off around Corporal Beast Hill, the fight originally broke out between Unbreakable and us. We were slamming them on-top of Corporal Beast Hill before forcing them to slowly head towards singles, when Eruption of Pures hit us from the North side. We dragged the fight towards Chaos Altar, when Unbreakable suddenly got the balls to hit us again. A fight broke out at Chaos Altar as we continued to smash Unbreakable, destroying massive amounts of their members. Once again Eruption of Pures re-hit the fight and came crashing down into CA. Unbreakable attempted to make a run for it, but we were not done with them. We ran straight past Eruption of Pures and chased Unbreakable to the west of Chaos Altar. They started to take off their capes in desperation as we dropped their members pushing them all the way to single line, with Eruption of Pures hitting us from behind so we chased UB into single. Don't fuck with us Unbreakable, still not on our level.





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