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*Jan 30th* 97Attack / 89 Hp + 20 defence


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After much consideration I decided to get 20 defence... I figured it would be more beneficial and less stressful in the long-run than 1 defence. I spent all day doing all the prequests for RFD, including MM. (yup, didnt have it done yet rofl).

While trying to get mith defender I got these 2 levels :D My goals haven't changed. they're still 99 90 but with 20 defence.

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Hey guys, this is nothing fancy. Just decided to keep all my levels in 1 thread instead of posting multiple threads every week. Doing my part in cleaning up the public (lol). Anyhow, 96 attack.

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^^ Failed 3 defense. Got 2 with GS, then got 3 with stupid ass terror bird. I was training at chaos tunnels and ran outta prayer, lol. That's why I missed the pic + I'm in edge.

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Wanted 86 str with 99 attack, but ended up get 87 from bashing fiends. Oh well, got 57 summon / 44 rc out of the way.

Headed to druids cos I need some herblore for quests.


Wait why are you getting 99 attack with low strength? >.>

Gratz anyways


Ooo that cape is hawt, good luck


Wait why are you getting 99 attack with low strength? >.>

Gratz anyways

99 attack has a much more devastating effect on mains and tanks than 99 strength does. I'm not doing this purely out of curiosity, it's a calculated decision. There hasn't been many pures like this, but there has been a FEW. Most people want to hit higher, so they go straight for 99 str. They then get their combat up with a little bit of attack and they realize they can't hit for shit on anything over 45 defense. I took a different route and decided I want to be able to put together sick combos instead of a few high numbers here and there... Hope that explains my decision :)

And thanks, fresh / Kanye :D This cape's gonna be sexy. Might buy a red mask to go with it.


Until you accomplish 99 attack I will say "ewww" Higher attack than strength.


Until you accomplish 99 attack I will say "ewww" Higher attack than strength.

Haha, understandable.. You shouldn't underestimate it though :D

whats ur def lvl and gratz!

2 :(


What's that? Are you saying I botted? o.0 lol. I don't train at druids, if that's what you're referring to. I train at  dagganoths in chaos tunnels. It's the same xp as bandits (maybe little more) and I get charms / seeds :D

Oh, and I stopped typing in blue because I only did it so people would remember me when I applied :D Still haven't applied, but I think a fair-few know me by now.


66 range what

Well, I can only do 1 skill at a time. I didn't feel like getting range to 70-80 just so it'll look 'ok' when I'd have no use for it at that level.

I've got 99 banked with chins, so it'll be done after 99 attack ;)


wow nice dude :P get str now mang


Gl on 99 attack, rips through defence  :D.


Be sure to make videos and tell us about them, im curious to see high attack pure pkin :O


Be sure to make videos and tell us about them, im curious to see high attack pure pkin :O

That's the plan. I gotta let everyone know how good an attack pure is, lol. Once I max out I'mma make a vid. Maxing for me is 99 att 87 str 99 range / mage. Almost there :D


Just got 96, decided to post it on the first page of this thread.


I would be pissed to log in and see that range lol, good luck either way.


I would be pissed to log in and see that range lol, good luck either way.

Eh, doesn't bother me.. I've gotten 99 range twice already. I have it banked in chins, I'm just waiting till 99 attack to get it up.

Thanks :D


Good luck im curious to how the 99 atk will go if its really good i might do the same haha im tired of not hitting through def

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