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Ka0s Arch3r - Maxed Zerker W/ Turmoil - New Video

Ka0s Arch3r

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Hey Foe. Some of you know me some of you don't. Well I used to be a maxed pure at 10 defense. I was in Fi for quite a while during the whole clan war phase where the old bh existed but pvp had not come out yet. I decided to leave when I got perm muted since i started not playing as much. Last summer I was unmuted. After the infamous whip glitch in BH, I got 11 def so I decided to get 20 def. I hated 20 defense: I think intiate is but ugly, mithril defenders aren't worth spending time getting, you still get hit on like crazy, and the loot still sucked. So one day I just said f*** this, and did dragon slayer and started to become a berserker pure. Well I haven't regretted this decision once since I made it and this video shows how much potential a maxed berserker has. After releasing a few videos of being a maxed berserker pure, I decided to get 95 Prayer. This video consists of myself pking with the new prayers. So enjoy this video, since I put a lot of time into it. If you do watch, please don't forget to comment/ subscribe I read every comment.

(CLINK LINK) Please Comment/ Subscribe I worked hard on this video.


Stats in Video:

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Here are some of my other Pking videos (PvP and Bounty Hunter):

P2P Bh Videos:

PvP Video Links:

Third P2P PvP Video

Second PvP Video: P2P and F2P

First F2P PvP Video

Old Bounty Hunter Video Links:

Second Bounty Hunter Video

First Bounty Hunter Video


Link was faulty for me :s


V good vid


Nice to see a decent vid in HD for once.


it was really good :o..sad to see you quit even though i don't know you..


Maybe i'll watch later, i don't know.. I don't like you.


Ya we've never liked eachother =\


very nice vid  ^_^ sad to see you quit wouldve liked to see another one gl


Really sick video mate.

Btw, how do you have Turmoil and still have 45 Def?



When i orginally became a zerker (20-45 def) I quested all of the defence exp.


Nice vid


Great vid, wish you could have made more.

5/5, good luck IRL.


Defender of Varrock is a requirement. Doing the minimum required quests to be a Berserker gives exactly 45 Defense. So how did you manage to do Defender of Varrock and stay 45 Defense?




Furthermore, Berserkers (with Turmoil) such as Taco Limey and I Contr0lz I have been 45 Defense for quite some time. I highly doubt they did Defender of Varrock out of the blue for no reason because until now there has not been any reason to do it.

And like I previously mentioned, the minimum required quests for being a Berserker gets 45 Defense even.



Sorry for my poor information. Taco Limey is now 48 Defense because of the quest. So I'm guessing you did Defender of Varrock a while ago?

I just don't see the incentive to do that quest when it doesn't bring about any advantages.



Well I control I hasn't been a zerker that long now. But yeah taco is now 48 defence since he did the hand cannon quest and the Defender of Varrock quest for ancient curses. The reason I'm still 45 defence is that when I originally decided to become a zerker over last summer, I quested all of the defence exp. I did every def exp- giving quest except Holy Grail (which would have made me go over 45 defence) and the quest for Piety which I can't do anyways since there's a 65 defence requirement. I don't know, I've always been a quester right now my qp is like 272 so I guess I just got lucky in that I had already done the required quest that gave defence. I think I Controlz i got 45 defence when the new prayers came out didn't he?

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