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black pure! :D

prollmann/whats a 26k

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prollmann/whats a 26k

well i want to change my 1 defence pure to a black pure, is there anyquest that i can benefit from thatll get me to 10 defence? if so list them. and also list the benefits. and i have already decided to do it


Nature spirit gives 13, and you can get rune gloves, but its 3 more def levs.


Hmm i dont think so.

but do that slayer quest, cant remember name l0l

Need 85 cb and 10 def for slayer helmet

prollmann/whats a 26k

im mainly focusing on the quest benefits. cuz i cba to look at all of them


Hmm i dont think so.

but do that slayer quest, cant remember name l0l

Need 85 cb and 10 def for slayer helmet

smoking kills.

Id stay 1 def :p, but yeah smoking kills all you need and doesnt give def xp.

prollmann/whats a 26k

shit. just got 10 def. feel like shit and already regretting it :(


Why isn't it called a white pure :¿

And why would you train def on purpose?


shit. just got 10 def. feel like shit and already regretting it :(

shoulda been a white tank.
prollmann/whats a 26k

Get 45 ...

um. no. and this is the only reason why. if you get 45 def you are expected to have a whip. have rune and zerker helm. and b gloves. which is more expensive and more quests. so nty


Honestly that is probably the stupidest thing you could do, but it was your choice.

enjoy like +15 def bonuses...


slayer helm, black defender, fally achievement diary shield, druid robes for f2p

Slayer helm:

+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 30  + 32  + 27  + 0  + 30  + 7

tanking helm no negative bonus so u can mage in it, 10 def has small but nice bonuses


Just stay one, 10 defence is useless.

E: If you actually take a Slayer Helm pking, you'd be losing 1.2M a death.

prollmann/whats a 26k

well only added 2 cmb lvls. fine with it tbh :D

prollmann/whats a 26k

slayer helm, black defender, fally achievement diary shield, druid robes for f2p

Slayer helm:

+ 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 30  + 32  + 27  + 0  + 30  + 7

tanking helm no negative bonus so u can mage in it, 10 def has small but nice bonuses

thx for saying something positive jeez. everyone is spamming 0MFG0M0M0FG 10 DEF= POINTLES#$!#$!#@ :)

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