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Good stats? Good setup/gear to wear when pking?

prollmann/whats a 26k

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prollmann/whats a 26k


i am currently gonna get 70 atk and like 80 str and 80 range.

for 70 atk the bonuses are a saradomin sword(have) and dh axe..

would it be a good gear setup if i brought some mage gear. msb. dds for spec. then if the dds fails i just pull out dh axe when low? post your comment below please.


If your going to get 70 attack, I'd say your best bet would be Sarasword/DDS. Dh axes aren't very effective to be honest. Also if your getting 70 attack, your probably going to want to be mostly melee based while pking because 70 attack is pointless when hybriding. (If you haven't gotten 70 yet, I wouldn't get it personally. Stay 60 or something :P)


People only use Dharok axes to make it look good on video, not really a good KO wep, d2h is better

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