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Wilderness Rejuv v2


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Thoughts? Opinions?


Personally, statius/morrigans/vesta armors is sad news but as long as the weapons don't come into the game it won't completely fuck things up. Rev caves will hopefully bring out a lot pvmers after the hype dies down and the singles teams leave.



If only they had the brains to make the wildy bosses worthwhile and actually force people to go out.




Completely agree. One thing I've noticed is how no one goes to KbD, it might not be in the wildy but it's a popular pk spot outside the gate and if jagex upped the drop table on the wildy bosses /kbd it'll bring a lot more action in the wildy.

26 minutes ago, BigTurboSrt said:

Completely agree. One thing I've noticed is how no one goes to KbD, it might not be in the wildy but it's a popular pk spot outside the gate and if jagex upped the drop table on the wildy bosses /kbd it'll bring a lot more action in the wildy.

KBD is packed lmfao.


throwbacks to rev wars cluster fuck in those narrow ass paths.

also it seems like they are making the top of the cave 40 wildy so you cant insta telly out like before


fucking excited


Posted (edited)

rev caves should be good, not a fan of the new mage cape degrading when you die though

Edited by Easy_mate
16 minutes ago, Kman said:

throwbacks to rev wars cluster fuck in those narrow ass paths.

also it seems like they are making the top of the cave 40 wildy so you cant insta telly out like before


fucking excited


just means everyone will be ragging like shit, which is already a massive issue


honestly it should be like 27-30 wildy, utilize teleblock and help encourage kids to bring out the bank


Bringing thousands of noted bones into 38 wildy thanks but no thanks


@Levii packed with maxed mains maybe. And by packed you mean like half the worlds taken lol. I've got a kbd bot farm so I see it all


Decent changes, anything to make the wildy better I can't complain

1 hour ago, Psycho said:

Omg this is sick


1 hour ago, Zack said:

would b more fun with summoning and no turmoil



it will destroy the game so badly just watch 


another poorly thought update which will become dead content.

6 hours ago, kinzy said:

it will destroy the game so badly just watch 


37 minutes ago, Jordan said:

another poorly thought update which will become dead content.


41 minutes ago, Jordan said:

another poorly thought update which will become dead content.



vote no on this bullshit last thing we need is 20 def shit


This would completely fuck over 1 def pures  if they brought this back for 20 def.  what they need to do is making something for 1 def pures. The god cape isn’t enough....


not a fan of this update at all


I find the dmm keys thing interesting but im not sure how i feel about it...


The thing i like about it though is PvMers won't be able to say 'hurrr forced into the wilderness hurr' and don't really have a reason to vote no like they do on all pvp related updates... 


I do think callisto drop table needs a buff and vetion shouldnt really be in the wildy but other than that i think the current wildy bosses are fine... 


20 def era coming soon I can't wait


all of you saying no are no faggots who sits on there hands in the bank crafting all day fucking virigns

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