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Wow No Wonder Eop Is Scared To Prep


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Me being a nerd i went through every prep we have ever had against eop. Since 07 Started 


Foe Wins: 40 Preps in clan wars, 4 Preps that took in tzhaar , and 1 fullout win.



Eop Wins: 7 Prep wins in clanwars ( 1 being the sharkbrew tourney when the worlds were absolute dog shit, but i gave them the w for it whatever) Thats all.... havent even hit 10 prep wins against us. And majority of the prep wins won were under Jamz era. Gz Jamz 



You really do suck.. no wonder you dont want to prep and hide behind your mains. 


Dull's last era he went 0-33 in clan wars


Keep avoiding preps against us and keep prepping AAO/IR 



bro eop is legit scared, they just hide behind mains. They hide behind all of the flaming they do on sharkbrew and propaganda topics.


We all know they won't prep us, they ruined the scene for themselves. We're giving them fights pures vs mains lol, but it doesn't matter because at the end of the day we don't need mains to compete and they do. 


#1 cwa #1 wild baby


ofc they're scared to prep us with that track record. They'd rather keep it in the wildy where they can give their members false hype with scummy tactics


lmao i remember talking about this with @Remy the other day


think there were some pub off preps, pretty sure it's like 45-7 and 3 of their wins were jamz era haha

1 minute ago, Danny said:

lmao i remember talking about this with @Remy the other day


think there were some pub off preps, pretty sure it's like 45-7 and 3 of their wins were jamz era haha

4 wins in jamz era 


Lmfao, but hey dude they’re #1


Fucking shitters lmao.


EOP is absolutely horrible but Gz Jamz fellow black man

30 minutes ago, Tederick said:

Dull's last era


33 minutes ago, Adhi said:

Me being a nerd i went through every prep we have ever had against eop. Since 07 Started 


Foe Wins: 40 Preps in clan wars, 4 Preps that took in tzhaar , and 1 fullout win.



Eop Wins: 7 Prep wins in clanwars ( 1 being the sharkbrew tourney when the worlds were absolute dog shit, but i gave them the w for it whatever) Thats all.... havent even hit 10 prep wins against us. And majority of the prep wins won were under Jamz era. Gz Jamz 



You really do suck.. no wonder you dont want to prep and hide behind your mains. 



It's common knowledge eop is a garbage tier clan, you know a clan is dookie when during the weekend they put more effort into spamming sharkbrew irc than proving themselves.  They'll always need an advantage and decline a fair fight, because they know once they lose they won't be able to keep up with the trolls/reels/propaganda that make them seem relevant. 



39 minutes ago, Fatal said:



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