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Hey guys.

Just got 5 defence without doing anything.

I am cmb 82 atm but when i get 99 hp (i will soon) then im cmb 84 instead of 83. Now i'm thinking about getting 10 defence for better armour/boni for example slay helm, hard leather and so on, but then i'll be cb 85.

my stats atm. Getting hp and mage 99 (almost enough zeals for it) after my first vid is up.

Hope you can tell me your opinion.



I can't comment on how good 10 defense, I've never had it. But 60 attack is rather low for 85 combat, unless you're 20 defense. Imo, scratch 99 hp and just get 99 magic and 20 def.


But 60 attack is rather low for 85 combat, unless you're 20 defense.

I'm trying to get bank worth of 120m+ to buy ags and get 75atk.

But 60 attack is rather low for 85 combat, unless you're 20 defense.

I'm trying to get bank worth of 120m+ to buy ags and get 75atk.

Iwas ging to suggest that, but I wasnt sure you wanted to get attack up. that's a good idea, I'd go with that :P


Hmm stay 5 or get 10......... tricky O:

if you like slaying/new armour etc. might aswell get 10. if you are a true pure pker you stay 5


nah i don't like slaying but mayby the new arm is worth the 1 cb, idk :/


deffinitly 10 def its only 1 cmb with alot beter stuf especialy if maxing 85 cmb with it u can get slay helm wich is just the best

Adam | LayDown

stay 5 def, never get def on purpose. thats not a true pure



I hate to see topics about failing defence coz its not failing defence.


i got those same stats, 95 mage 99 str 60 atk 93 hp 91 range and 3 def

5 def gives u 1 extra cb, normally when ur maxed 60 atk ur 83 cb

Now when u got 5 def ur maxed cb will be 84.

What is the big deal about 83 cb and 84 cb? I dont see any.

Anyways, getting def up is useless and if ur getting 10 def ur gonna get more cb's and then u will get more zerker targets/turmoil bois etc etc.

after that u cant kill anybody with 60 atk and then ur gonna get 70 atk.

and thats when u gonna get maxed zerker targets and when u get em ur prob thinking of getting 20 def and thats when ur gonna get maxed turmoil zerker targets.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Waste of money and  time.

1 cb isnt big deal, just keep it

btw nice stats


Get 10 For ;

Slayer Helmet.

Black Defender.

Better F2P Tank.

Black (G) (hawt!!)

White Armour (looks awemore!)

Combat Robes, they are really nice!

I got 10 too, and i like it  :nice:

Do what you want bro.


Im agree with into, i would get 20.

And 2 cmb lvl is worth it, icluding ur mage and hp :P


keep 5 def tyras helm ftw L


i'd just stay 5 def.. maybe if you hit like 6, 7, or 8 def think about getting 10 but no point purposely getting def since you're a pure


5 is win,

6 for legends


I will stay 5 :)


Get 10 For ;

Slayer Helmet.

Black Defender.

Better F2P Tank.

Black (G) (hawt!!)

White Armour (looks awemore!)

Combat Robes, they are really nice!

I got 10 too, and i like it   :nice:

Do what you want bro.

The end is the most helpful tbh^.

Do what you want.

If you think that the extra armor and stuff would help, then go for it.

But one thing. Slayer helm = 85 Combat. Not 84  :shifty: Go to 20 Defence if you want Slayer Helm.


stay 5 if u up 6 then 20 nice stats


ide say get 10 def :D


Stay 5. I'm 6... Never get def levels on purpose.

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