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35k bronze knives.. who wants to buy?


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The knives are on my tank ranger. My tank ranger is f2p at the moment. I'll sell you knives, you buy me a month of p2p. (That's about 3m value)

PM me if interested.



I fail to see where this isn't a good deal... No need to post something that make no sense.


I can get you a 30 day for 5 euros but Id need to pay runescape gp too standard price for the 35k around 400k?


if they're still 14 gp it's 490k.

I can easily sell these on a different site for the same deal. I was just trying to help any potential FOE members.


Well I could buy them all for 490k As My main got hacked recently so there is no turning back that's why I need the knifes as this pure will be win or gg

Pat l I Convict I3

I'll do this.


I'll do it, PM with contact details.

Just so you know, they sell for 10c/k on other sites, and one month costs like 3$. So, whoever you sell to is getting a good deal.


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(Cheers Loco)

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