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Whats OSRS like anymore?


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On 12/11/2017 at 11:30 PM, shootmyfruit said:

Lol at people blaming the dev team. The osrs dev team is one of the best dev teams out there, its not their fault the majority of the game is pvmers so only pvm polls really pass.



unfortunately the playerbase is all pvm and skillers. Slayer sees about 100 updates a year and some retarded suggestions actually make it into the game. In fact slayer xp/hr has tripled since release... All the while these same people mass downvote pvp polls because they cant handle being killed in the wildy.


Sad inflection point of the game. The community is pretty much split in two - unfortunately pkers are the minority... 


the dev team are fucking amazing tbh and its sad that all these people are abusing the freedom we have in having a polling system by forcing unhealthy updates that only cater to part of the community.


Pking is a gmaul fest no matter the CB level just stick to clanning lol


its fukin shit if u dont got cash

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