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Go Hard's Slayer Guide - 60 Attack

Go Hard

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Progress and achievement diaries

Hello everyone, and welcome to my progress and achievement thread. The reason why I made this progress log is to share experience and knowledge of pure slaying with you guys while, and after, I was maxing out the account through Slayer-only. In 2011 I had the same account, a maxed chaotic pure with 99 Summoning and Slayer. It is very nostalgic for me to get 99 Slayer. The grind will be different since I will stay at 60 attack. I challenge every single one of you to give me feedback or suggestions. If you have any questions after reading, feel free to ask.



Achieved on 1-2-2018



~Slayer master issue

~~Wildy Task Early stage set up

~~~Strategy from day 1


            - Unlocks/Extensions

            - Q&A

~~~~~ Wilderness Slayer in General

~~~~~~Gear set ups

                 - Best in slots

~~~~~~~Handy gadgets

~~~~~~~~Bank set up

~~~~~~~~~My blocks

                        - Free blocks

~~~~~~~~~~Level of difficulty

~~~~~~~~~~~Drop log

~~~~~~~~~~~~XP log

~~ The Slayer Master issue ~~ 
Staying 60 Attack and 52 Prayer will make a big difference for my combat level. I will max out with 83 combat, which means I will never be able to do any of Nieves tasks.  I will always get my tasks of Chaeldar (requires completion of Lost City).

Overall I think Chaeldar gives fairly shitty tasks on early levels and that’s why there is no negative thing about doing Wilderness tasks first. You will avoid getting all the sad tasks and you will actually gain a decent amount of points which you can make good use of later on. 


~~ Wildy Task Early stage set up ~~

Since this thread is mainly about regular Slayer I will specifically go into detail for the start up. Because of the fact all tasks will be needed to be done in the Wilderness I would suggest on bringing the following set up:


On the left you'll see a common Ranger outfit that is not able to afford a Blowpipe. I do highly recommend a blowpipe but there is always an alternative. Bring whatever kind of bolt you want to bring (mithril is pretty decent and low on cost). If able to afford a blowpipe always use it. 


<Picture of Craws Bow here>


Edited 1-10-2019: Since the revenant update a new bis 60  Ranged weapon was introduced to the scene. At the time revenant cave was not yet edited to the game hence why there was information about this. The Craw's Bow is insanely powerful. It is definitely worth using, in the scenario's you pay attention and don't die too much. The weapon's effect will take place whenever you have put 1k revenant ether in the weapon + every ether you put in afterwards it will count as 1 charge. Dying with the weapon will empty the weapon losing 1k ether + additional charges.


- Why is there no melee set up?

The reason why I left out the melee set up is because it is not efficient to bring Sabre or Dragon Scimitar since most pures on low level have not obtained protection prayers yet. The second reason for this is the fact that you want to safespot most of the tasks in the trees or behind graves or stalagmites. If you think these reasons are not enough; this is the set up I would suggest for melee users (see below). Use fire cape only when staying under level 20 wilderness.



Edited 1-10-2019: Since the revenant update a new bis 60 Attack weapon was introduced to the scene. At the time revenant cave was not yet edited to the game hence why there was information about this. The Viggora's chainmace is insanely powerful. It is definitely worth using, in the scenario's you pay attention and don't die too much. The weapon's effect will take place whenever you have put 1k revenant ether in the weapon + every ether you put in afterwards it will count as 1 charge. Dying with the weapon will empty the weapon losing 1k ether + additional charges.


<Melee picture with viggora's chainmace here>


~~ My strategy from day 1 ~~ 
Get fully quested and get 75 base stats. I wasn’t planning on chinning nor bursting on ape toll so I got 60 Attack at once. At 80 Range I started doing Wilderness tasks until I had approximately 1400 points. I used blowpipe all the time since the Mysterious Emblems even out the cost of the scales and so will the tasks later on. I have never lost any money throughout the course of 99 range due to the fact you will always break even on tasks. Especially when you reach around 65 Slayer and start getting Dust Devil tasks. I got 82 Magic through Alch/Stunning but from that point I have bursted, and now barraged Dust Devils and Nechryaels. That got me to 88 Magic. At that point I was 99 Range and 87 Strength. The point of not rushing Magic was the fact I would get 94 Magic once I got my Kraken task. Why Kraken task? Because you can Fire Wave/Alch the boss w/o taking on any damage and getting full experience for the hit (which is not displayed). Yes, Hitpoints experience and full efficiency. If you have any questions about the costs, post down below and I will edit this post. For now I will keep barraging Dusties and Nechs and the other tasks I will melee until I get 99 Strength. After I got Strength done I will continue using blowpipe because it is just way faster experience and the goal is to get 99 Slayer as soon as possible ofcourse.

~~ Tips before going into the Slayer grind ~~
Before you start doing any regular Slayer you want to make sure you get yourselves a decent amount of Slayer points.

Why Slayer points?

You will need Slayer points for plenty of things. Blocking, and cancelling, and extending tasks will cost you a decent amount of points since there are quite some tasks which are inefficient for pure accounts. Slayer points can also be used to unlock certain perks for Slayer. 

Slayer Master    Points per task    Points per 10th     Points per 50th     Points per100th     Points per 250th     Points per 1000th 
Krystilia                       25                      125                      375                       625                        875                       1250
Chaeldar                     10                       50                       150                       250                        350                         500
Like anyone can see. The points given by Krystilia, for fairly easy and risk free tasks, are amazing. There are no tasks you want to skip because they’re all do able. You will have a decent amount of points in no time!

You want to unlock: 
Bigger and badder: 150 points: Increase the risk against certain slayer monsters with the chance of a superior version spawning whilst on a slayer task.
Gargoyle smasher: 120 points: Gargoyles are automatically dealt the finishing blow if the player has a Rock hammer or Throwing hammer in their inventory.
Ring bling : 300 points: Learn to craft a Slayer ring, which requires level 75 Crafting.
Gargoyle: 100 points
Nechryael: 100 points
Dust Devil: 100 points
Bloodvelds: 100 points


How many points will I approximately need to start regular Slayer?
Herb Sack 750 pts + Bigger and badder 150 pts + ~500 pts to cancel and block tasks = around 1400 pts.
How many tasks will I need in a row (doing Krystilia)?
First 5 w/o received points. To calculate 25 per task and 125 per tenth = (25*4)+125+(25*9)+125+(25*9)+125+(25*9)+125+(25*5)= 1400 points obtained through 45 Wilderness tasks in a row.
Link to the Slayer Reward Shop for detailed information: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Slayer_reward_point


~~ Wilderness Slayer in General ~~

With the introduction of the revenant caves a whole new demention was added to the Slayer spectrum. With this amazing update loads of Wilderness Slayer tasks got an extreme update due to the fact most npcs in the Wilderness can now be slain in multi zones. This means a dwarven cannon may be used to speed these tasks up, just like the fact that the npcs will be aggro'ed, resulting in more frequent kills an hour.


Wilderness Slayer compared to Regular Slayer

Due to the fact Zulrah Scales have gone up almost 100% of the price it was late 2017 (125 gp ea to 235 ea). Slayer with blowpipe in general has become less attractive, yet viable due to the best damage per second in the game.

Why did it become less attractive?

Anyone with a decent brain would know when the price of supplies go up and the obtained items through Slayer stay the same price or only go up a little bit will result in less profit or even loss.
To profit from Slayer means you can't really go the Wilderness Slayer route if you want to get maximum Slayer experience an hour at the same time. It will either be using melee/overheads and cannon to breakeven (if lucky on Mysterious Emblems).
To speed through the early levels, meaning 1-80, Wilderness Slayer would be best, compared to regular slayer, due to the facts:

- the place you can get tasks (Edgevill),

- the multizones for most of the npcs,

- the points you gather after finishing tasks

- the decent gold you obtain early on, doing Wilderness Slayer.


~~ Gear setups (my preference (BIS)) ~~



Melee (prayer enhancing gear): god robes (top/bottem) may be replaced by monk robes which have the same prayer bonus.

Magic (kraken, using fire wave + tome of fire): may be replaced by trident of the sea/swamp. Reason why I use fire wave because it hits higher and receive more Hitpoints exp.
Magic (ancients)

Ranging (prayer gear for protect from melee) - debateable and still in doubt if robin + holy sandals would be better but this is dps wise a better alternative.


~~ Best in slots ~~

~~Best in slot necklaces:
Melee: Amulet of torture is purely offensive, giving the highest melee attack bonuses of any neck slot item, but with no defence bonuses. It is also tied with the amulet of strength for giving the highest strength bonus in the neck slot.
Magic: Occult necklace is a magical amulet that requires 70 Magic to wear. Wearing it increases the player's Magic damage by 10%, and is the only amulet to give such a bonus. This 10% bonus will also stack with existing boosts, such as the Staff of the dead.
Range: necklace of anguish is an enchanted zenyte necklace that requires at least 75 Hitpoints to equip. It is purely offensive, offering the highest Ranged attack bonus out of any neck slot item, along with being the only worn item to provide a Ranged Strength bonus.


~~Best in slot glove spot:
Melee: regen bracelet; when worn, it doubles the natural recharge rate of Hitpoints, healing 2HP per minute instead of the standard 1HP per minute. The effect of the regen bracelet will stack with either the Rapid Heal Prayer OR with the Hitpoints cape, but never both. Using either of these in conjunction with a regen bracelet will quadruple the rate of HP regeneration. This is a very helpful perk for people who are fighting NPCs that deal low amounts of damage, allowing wearers to bank less and rely on fewer outside sources of healing.
Originally the bracelet had no stats; this was changed in an update on 1 May 2014. It now surpasses the combat bracelet and mithril gloves as the best-in-slot melee item for 1 Defence pures.
Magic: Tormented bracelet is an enchanted zenyte bracelet. It is the best magic item worn in the hand slot, providing the greatest magic attack bonus, as well as a 5% bonus to magical damage. This effect stacks with other boosts. This bracelet requires level 75 in Hitpoints.
Range: black d’hide vambrace; players must have at least level 70 in Ranged to wear these.


~~Best in slot capes:
God cape (imbued): is obtained from imbuing a Saradomin cape with the demon's hearts of light, darkness, and balance, which are dropped by the Demon of Light, Darkness, and Balance during the The Mage Arena II miniquest. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Mage_Arena_II
Check the following YouTube video to find out how to obtain this cape (credits to @Jordai?

Fire cape: obtained after killing Tzok Jad in wave 63 of the fight caves.

*Inferno cape: obtained after kill Zuk at wave 69 in the inferno. For the PvM masters - or people with the bank account - this will be a nice challenge.

Ava’s accumulator gives the best Ranged attack bonus for the cape slot, making it effective to wear even while using a Crystal bow.

Ranging cape (trimmed): functions as a accumulator although it has a little less range bonus but gives a decent amount of prayer bonus, very handy while using overheads on task.


~~ Best in slot rings:
Prayer: Ring of the gods (i): The imbued version incorporates the holy wrench's benefit of increasing prayer points restored from potions and also provides an extra +4 prayer bonus compared to the regular version. The ring and wrench's effects do not stack.
Melee: Berserker ring (i): is a Berserker ring that is imbued using points from the Nightmare Zone. The total amount of points required to imbue any of the Fremennik rings is 650,000. This ring is favoured by player killers who tend to maximise their strength bonus instead of their accuracy (+8). Its stats are double those of the berserker ring (+8).
Ranged: Archers ring (i): is an upgraded version of the regular Archers' ring. It can be imbued as a reward from the Nightmare Zone, costing 650,000 reward points. Its stats are double those of the archers' ring (+8).
Magic: Seers ring (i): is an upgraded version of the regular Seers' ring. It can be imbued as a reward from the Nightmare Zone, costing 650,000 reward points. Its stats are doubled compared to the seers' ring (+12).


~~Best in slot blessing: any kind of blessing, use when not using ammo. Blessing gives a +1 for prayer bonus.

~~Best in slot magic gear: Elder chaos hood, top and bottem. Way less prayer bonus compared to God mitre, robe top and robe bottem. Way more magic damage. Best in slot for damage.

~~ Handy gadgets ~~
Salve amulet (ei): is the upgraded version form of the salve amulet. This amulet can be obtained after completing Haunted Mine quest. Doing the miniquest and using Tarn's Diary on it after will get it enchanted. When equipped this amulet will increase melee accuracy and damage by 20% against undead creatures. By imbueing the amulet at Nightmare zone will make it useable for Range and Magic too.


Soul Bearer: It can be used on Ensouled heads to send them to the player's bank. The soul bearer uses one charge for each head it sends to the bank. Charging it requires using one blood rune and one soul rune on it (currently costing 343 per charge). Saves inventory space and worth using it. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_bearer


Kourend teleport: Obtainable in the Arceuus Library. Search for a book called “transportation incantations. I would do so by gaining Arceuus favour (make sure you do Zeah quests beforehand). You will end up getting the book for Soul bearer most likely.


Herb sack: discussed above.


Holy Wrench (if using overhead prayers and not 1t flicking): reward for Rum Deal quest. The effect of the Holy wrench is restoring an additional 2% of the player's Prayer points when the player drinks a dose of any prayer restore potion. Which means for 52 prayer 1 additional prayer per sip. Makes it worth using because you are saving 1-2 potions per task. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_wrench


Rune Pouch: holds 3 different runes up to a maximum stack of 16k. You want to use Dust, Law and Nature runes on the pouch with a stack of fire runes in your inventory. House teleport + Lumbridge teleport + High Alchemy runes that is.


Dramen Staff: to obtain a new slayer task straight after finishing your task.


Slayer ring: to move directly to Slayer locations.


Bracelet of Slaughter: when worn, there is a 25% chance for a slayer assignment kill to not count as a kill towards it, but still granting the appropriate slayer experience (excluding TzTok-Jad and TzKal-Zuk). Note that the bracelet needs to be worn only at the moment you defeat your opponent for the effect to occur. This means that for the rest of the fight, other bracelets or gloves can be worn such as the Barrows gloves.


Expeditious bracelet: when worn, the bracelet provides a 25% chance for the kill to count as tw kills toward the player's slayer assignement (but does not grant additional experience). Use when you want to get done with a certain task sooner.


Special attack weapon: 
Melee: dragon dagger (++), can be swapped for dragon claws.
Ranging: blowpipe, due to the fact it heals (50% of total hit) and hits an additional 50% on top of the maximum hit.


~~ Bank set up ~~




~~ My blocks (100 points)/cancels (30 points) and why (personal preference) ~~
In order to be able to perm block a task you will need atleast 50 quest points per block. I currently have 109 quest points. That means I am able to block two tasks. @Easy_mate gave me the idea to take a closer look at the weight of Chaeldar tasks so I could get a better view on what to block and what to cancel. The npcs you want to have on your block list, when doing regular Slayer, are as following:

1 - Iron Dragons

2 - Bronze Dragons

3 - Black demons

4 - Turoth  

Both these tasks are assigned frequently to me and in my opinion both not worth doing. Both tasks are inefficient and low exp per hour. The tasks I cancel are Pyrefiends, Steel Dragons and Black demons.



Wilderness Blocks:

The npcs you want to have on your block list, when doing Wilderness Slayer, are as following:

1 - Black Dragons

2A - Revenant - great loot, swamped with pkers though, your own choice.

2B - Bears


Free blocks

In order to get certain tasks there might be a quest or skill requirement first before you can actually get these assigned. Ofcourse not every monster that's unlocked through questing is bad. To flip this and make it an advantage/free block here is a list of the quests. skills and monsters I am talking about:


Free blocks              How?

Aberrant Spectre      Priest in Peril

Abyssal Demon        Priest in Peril

Banshee                  Priest in Peril

Basilisk                   Defence < 20

Bloodveld                Priest in Peril

Brine Rats               Olafs Quest

Cave Horror             Cabin Fever

Cockatrice                Defence ❤️

Dust Devil                Desert Treasure

Fever Spider             Rum Deal

Elves                        Regicide

Fossil Wyverns          Bone Voyage/Elemental Workshop

Gargoyle                  Priest in Peril

Harpier                    Bug Swarm

Infernal Mage           Priest in Peril

Jungle Horror           Cabin Fever

Lizardmen                Unlock

Mogre                      Skippy and the Mogres

Molanisk                   Death to the Dorgeshuun

Mutated Zygomites    Lost City

Nechrayel                 Priest in Peril

Shadow Warrior        Legends Quest

Spiritual Creatures     Troll Stronghold

Tzhaar                     Unlock

Wall Beast                Defence <5

Wyvern                    Elemental Workshop


*Nieve (if 85 cmb) 

Free blocks               How?

Aviansies                   Unlock

Dark Beasts               Mournings End Part 2

Boss                         Unlock

Scabarites                 Contact!

Suqah                       Lunar Diplomacy


~~ Level of difficulty ~~
I have tested this by doing 40 tasks each. I haven’t noted any of the findings though, so this will be more of an feeling/interpretation on my behalf. I felt like toggling the option to “give me anything” was inefficient on a 1 defence/60 attack build due to the fact you get a lot of dragon tasks and also quite some low slayer required monsters. I was cancelling more than I was actually doing the tasks. You have to take in a count that RNG is a big factor here but overall I would say just stick with “tasks based off of your current stats”. I will test this again once I’ve reached 93 Slayer so I can get every single task out there so it will be more accurate.


~~ Drop log – items obtainable through Slayer ~~

Abyssal whip 9 (911, 1112, 1467, 1897, 2645, 3234, 3267, 3301, 3341)

Ancient shard 182

Curved bone 3

Draconic visage 0

Dragon platelegs 1

Dragon chainbody 0

Dragon boots 48

Dust Battlestaff 2

Granite maul 41

Imbued Heart 0

Kraken pet 0

Kraken tentacle 0

Leaf Bladed battleaxe 3

Leaf Bladed sword 21

Long bone 35

Mist Battlestaff 2

Occult Necklace 1 (327)

Smoke Battlestaff 1 (177)

Skotizo pet 1 (62 kc)

Thermonuclear Smoke Devil pet 0

Totem 83

Trident of the sea 0 


~~ XP Logs ~~
15-12-2017: start 4.662.247 end 4.840.648 - 178.401 xp - 88 Slayer
16-12-2017: start 4.840.648 end 4.990.798 - 150.150 xp - 89 Slayer
17-12-2017: start 4.990.798 end 5.094.160 - 103.362 xp

18-12-2017: start 5.094.160 end 5.297.848 - 203.688 xp

19-12-2017: start 5.297.848 end 5.451.402 - 153.554 xp

20-12-2017: start 5.451.402 end 5.584.004 - 132.602 xp - 90 Slayer

21-12-2017: start 5.584.004 end 5.725.034 - 141.030 xp

22-12-2017: start 5.725.034 end 5.807.671 -   82.637 xp

23-12-2017: start 5.807.671 end 5.915.345 - 107.664 xp - 91 Slayer

24-12-2017: start 5.915.345 end 6.105.230 - 189.885 xp

25-12-2017: start 6.105.230 end 6.171.930 -   66.700 xp

26-12-2017: start 6.171.930 end 6.211.890 -   39.960 xp

27-12-2017: start 6.211.890 end 6.357.486 - 145.596 xp - 99 Strength

28-12-2017: start 6.357.486 end 6.595.663 - 238.167 xp - 92 Slayer

29-12-2017: start 6.595.663 end 6.827.513 - 231.850 xp

30-12-2017: start 6.827.513 end 6.974.793 - 147.280 xp - 98 Hitpoints

31-12-2017: start 6.974.793 end 7.096.523 - 121.780 xp - 97 Magic

01-01-2018: start 7.096.523 end 7.168.917 -   72.394 xp

02-01-2018: start 7.168.917 end 7.351.937 - 183.020 xp - 93 Slayer

03-01-2018: start 7.351.937 end 7.541.370 - 189.433 xp - 99 Hitpoints

04-01-2018: start 7.541.370 end 7.715.670 - 174.300 xp

05-01-2018: start 7.715.670 end 7.948.810 - 233.140 xp - 94 Slayer & 98 Magic

06-01-2018: start 7.948.810 end 8.179.700 - 230.890 xp

07-01-2018: start 8.179.700 end 8.314.717 - 135.017 xp

08-01-2018: start 8.314.717 end 8.559.113 - 239.396 xp - 99 Magic - MAXED

09-01-2018: start 8.559.113 end 8.842.940 - 283.827 xp - 95 Slayer

10-01-2018: start 8.842.940 end 8.967.323 - 124.387 xp

11-01-2018: start 8.967.323 end 9.101.291 - 130.967 xp

12-01-2018: start 9.101.291 end 9.334.764 - 233.474 xp

13-01-2018: start 9.334.764 end 9.450.834 - 136.070 xp

14-01-2018: start 9.450.834 end 9.699.737 - 248.903 xp - 96 Slayer

15-01-2018: start 9.699.737 end 9.886.291 - 186.554 xp

16-01-2018: start 9.886.291 end 10.014.476 - 128.177 xp

17-01-2018: start 10.014.476 end 10.295.813 - 281.337 xp

18-01-2018: start 10.295.813 end 10.368.123 - 72.310 xp

19-01-2018: start 10.368.123 end 10.592.829 - 224.706 xp

20-01-2018: start 10.592.829 end 10.692.661 - 99.832 xp - 97 Slayer

21-01-2018: start 10.692.661 end 10.892.797 - 200.136 xp

22-01-2018: start 10.892.797 end 11.225.897 - 333.100 xp

23-01-2018: start 11.225.897 end 11.506.117 - 275.220 xp

24-01-2018: start 11.506.117 end 11.672.128 - 166.011 xp

25-01-2018: start 11.672.128 end 11.813.008 - 140.880 xp - 98 Slayer

26-01-2018: start 11.813.008 end 12.003.987 - 190.979 xp

27-01-2018: start 12.003.987 end 12.122.079 - 118.888 xp

28-01-2018: start 12.122.079 end 12.279.678 - 157.601 xp

29-01-2018: start 12.279.678 end 12.494.217 - 214.539 xp

30-01-2018: start 12.494.217 end 12.637.017 - 142.800 xp

31-01-2018: start 12.637.017 end 12.949.580 - 312.563 xp

01-02-2018: start 12.949.580 end 13.034.468 - 83.888 xp - 99 SLAYER


Maxed out on 8 january 2018


Time spent from level 1 to 99 Slayer 


Strength 99 - 27-12-2017


Hitpoints 99 - 3-1-2018


Magic 99 - 8-1-2018


Range 99 - 23-11-2017


Slayer 99 - 1-2-2018





Would I do it all the same? If I were to go for 99 Slayer right now (1st of October 2019), with the same supplies, stats and strategy? I would say yes and no! <to be edited> 




Just now, Kanye said:

quite an essay gl with the goal

I don't expect anyone to read through everything, but if it helps other people from starting Slayer efficiently I would be happy this helped.

33 minutes ago, L3thal Combo said:

I don't expect anyone to read through everything, but if it helps other people from starting Slayer efficiently I would be happy this helped.

I actually read it all for the sake of curiosity. Good luck on the goal, I'll be doing slayer on my pure after 90's in skills needed for raids. 

Just now, x360 said:

I actually read it all for the sake of curiosity. Good luck on the goal, I'll be doing slayer on my pure after 90's in skills needed for raids. 

Thank you @x360. If you have other ideas or any feedback at all feel free to submit :)

40 minutes ago, L3thal Combo said:

Thank you @x360. If you have other ideas or any feedback at all feel free to submit :)

My main suggestion would be max out your QP for more on the block list. I have like 123 on my 50 attack pure which isn't close to the cap on my 75 attack pure i plan on maxing out QP prior to slayer just to save on the aids tasks. Just an opinion as you'll skip task and use points, I enjoy hoarding points etc.. 

23 minutes ago, x360 said:

My main suggestion would be max out your QP for more on the block list. I have like 123 on my 50 attack pure which isn't close to the cap on my 75 attack pure i plan on maxing out QP prior to slayer just to save on the aids tasks. Just an opinion as you'll skip task and use points, I enjoy hoarding points etc.. 

At this point I don't feel like I need the extra block since my points keep going up. I will eventually get maxed quest points for 1 defence for sure. Thanks again.

15 minutes ago, Jordai said:

This is fucking sick mate, Nice thread. 


Gl with the gains my brother

Thanks Jordai. Much appreciated!

3 hours ago, Migo said:

nice progress and tips

Thanks Migo, gl on your application as well my friend.


Great read mate.. all the best with your goal and the app ;) don't let it distract you from midweeking though ahah

1 minute ago, Loqa said:

Great read mate.. all the best with your goal and the app ;) don't let it distract you from midweeking though ahah

I know I will be attending more. Going to combine though. Great job on midweek btw! Lead the way :)

24 minutes ago, 4rr0wz said:

Nice mate I need to grind 99 slay too 

Thanks dude. It is a fun grind imo.

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Justin said:

That was a good read. Best of luck

Thank you Justin. Come check back in a few weeks :)

Edited by L3thal Combo
7 hours ago, Jordan said:

the grind.

You it is real, sup Jordan

6 hours ago, melholland said:

sick shit homie 

Thanks bro


Nice topic mate. You should definitely swap cave crawlers for iron drags or something with a higher task weight on chaeldars list tho!


Nice read, didn't know about the Soul Bearer.


Good luck old friend

7 hours ago, Easy_mate said:

Nice topic mate. You should definitely swap cave crawlers for iron drags or something with a higher task weight on chaeldars list tho!

I will make sure I get my take specific take on the block list. I agree it can be more thought through. I blocked those two tasks at the time I wasn't able to get higher tier tasks. 


3 hours ago, Grifte said:

Nice read, didn't know about the Soul Bearer.


Good luck old friend

@Grifte, legend, many thanks for checking the topic out. I hope it helped you out a little too. Talk to you in game. 

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, SZN` said:

Crazy wall of text good fucking luck 

SZN, you are right. It might be a bit overwhelming. I edited the post with a summary to get a good overview. Thanks for the support. 

Edited by L3thal Combo

With all the amount of work put in the Slayer Guide part you'd be good off creating a seperate guide topic in the Public Guide section, to help people who are looking for recommendations on how to slayer on a (low lvl) 1 def pure.

36 minutes ago, Grifte said:

With all the amount of work put in the Slayer Guide part you'd be good off creating a seperate guide topic in the Public Guide section, to help people who are looking for recommendations on how to slayer on a (low lvl) 1 def pure.

Yes, I assume you are right. I will think about it. Needs to be complete and straight forward though. There are loads of different approaches as well. Need to cover the whole spectrum if I want to post a decent guide.

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