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Im Hooded Up Pk Vid 3


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Watching :) Will edit.

Edit:Very good vid :) enjoyed it :P


Nice with some multi pking for once, and drag pking is nice to watch aswell, soo was pretty enjoyable.  save up more clips for next though :)


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

lol'd ^, awesome vid

pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?

rofl at u... im not mad

but ifd i send the version of mines video for you.. youd see how fking lagging i was and how i hybrid out your budd with like lagg + your other nerdy friend wichone fails at hybryding much got red bared from me and then telled :DDD


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?

rofl at u... im not mad

but ifd i send the version of mines video for you.. youd see how fking lagging i was and how i hybrid out your budd with like lagg + your other nerdy friend wichone fails at hybryding much got red bared from me and then telled :DDD

Looked to me like you were mad.

Also, once again; If you're lagging that badly, l2notpk lol.


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

M m m m my mama said, that magic rays of sunshine come down when your feeling blue.


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?

rofl at u... im not mad

but ifd i send the version of mines video for you.. youd see how fking lagging i was and how i hybrid out your budd with like lagg + your other nerdy friend wichone fails at hybryding much got red bared from me and then telled :DDD

Looked to me like you were mad.

Also, once again; If you're lagging that badly, l2notpk lol.

oh nvm forget everything we can say it was "fair fight" nvm  :nice: wanna 1v1 me no friends? :blush:

Not bad..

quite a feq questionable clips tho


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?

rofl at u... im not mad

but ifd i send the version of mines video for you.. youd see how fking lagging i was and how i hybrid out your budd with like lagg + your other nerdy friend wichone fails at hybryding much got red bared from me and then telled :DDD

Looked to me like you were mad.

Also, once again; If you're lagging that badly, l2notpk lol.

oh nvm forget everything we can say it was "fair fight" nvm  :nice: wanna 1v1 me no friends? :blush:



Didn't think the music went particularly well with the vid and I didn't like the clips where you wear ghostly (it's just my opinion that if you get 20 def you should use it) but other than that i enjoyed the video.


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Lol idiot, well done sam music choice was good and pking wasnt too shabby either


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Lol idiot, well done sam music choice was good and pking wasnt too shabby either

Thx :)  <3


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Lol idiot, well done sam music choice was good and pking wasnt too shabby either

wtf cal?

pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Lol idiot, well done sam music choice was good and pking wasnt too shabby either

wtf cal?

I like u but stop being a pussy


Second clip was too long and another 20 people following the guy you was attacking, where is the skill in that?


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Lol idiot, well done sam music choice was good and pking wasnt too shabby either

wtf cal?
I like u but stop being a pussy

Second clip was too long and another 20 people following the guy you was attacking, where is the skill in that?

It's called pking with a team o.O

The skill is in out hybriding their prayer down to level 1, they usually end up running.


If you're lagging, don't pk. Otherwise oppurtunists like me will come, and we will kill you.

You mad, bro?

Epic win ^

Anyways, good vid mate, really enjoyed it ^^

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