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Im Hooded Up Pk Vid 3


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was a nice vid and excellent to see some drag clips in there but im not a big fan of 10+ people at drags takes away the fun


Nice vid bro.. I enjoyed it. The music was soothing, as well.. None of that terrible screamo shit.

Second clip was too long and another 20 people following the guy you was attacking, where is the skill in that?

I used to like you when we were TLP but you've become a faggot. All you do is flame people for no reason... There's "20 people following" because he's drag / multi pking.

pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Posted Image


Nice vid bro.. I enjoyed it. The music was soothing, as well.. None of that terrible screamo shit.

Second clip was too long and another 20 people following the guy you was attacking, where is the skill in that?

I used to like you when we were TLP but you've become a faggot. All you do is flame people for no reason... There's "20 people following" because he's drag / multi pking.

pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

Posted Image

rofl funny pic but  ur wrong :) id kick ur ass irl :)

was alright, just seemed like 100% propoganda for Dp instead of a pk vid.

But i do like ur style Sammy boy.


Nice vid,

Dunno how you could put up with that cursor o.O


Too much multi. Plus you didn't even get the kills in a ton of them.


pathetic pker.. you and ur team killd me taht pathetic. + i was like on lagg? said off im lagging you cant pk you cant 1v1 hybrid fite me. rofl. ur friend tb me then he lets attack other fcer then ur turn.. sad

M m m m my mama said, that magic rays of sunshine come down when your feeling blue.

Rofl.  :lol:

And yeh Sam decent vid, but imo hybriding at the same place can get rather boring.

If it had screamo music I may have turned it off. YOU GOT LUCKY!  <3


it was ok,

but the hybriding was nothing special, you had hardly any real fights,

dp members had to catch some of the people for you,

and at least 5+ v 1 at all times? where is the fun/skill in that?

expected more.  :( :whistle: :blush:

music was good though  :nice:


it was ok,

but the hybriding was nothing special, you had hardly any real fights,

dp members had to catch some of the people for you,

and at least 5+ v 1 at all times? where is the fun/skill in that?

expected more.  :( :whistle: :blush:

music was good though  :nice:

Mmmmm I see what you mean, but half the time I don't even tell them to. Every now and then it pisses me off coz I actually need to shout on vent "I'VE GOT IT DON'T ATTACK".

And steroids, you know I don't use screamo sir! :)

And yeah I'll keep that in mind and hybrid in various places :P

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