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zerk or piety pure


Zerk or piety  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i stay 60 attack 45 defence or 60 attack 70 defence + piety

    • Zerker
    • Piety

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3 minutes ago, dontdie_ said:

get 99 str before u do anything

strength will come with slayer

1 hour ago, Alex:) said:

zerk. piety pure is too main


wait r u alex waar?????



also piety for sure my dude. zerk doesnt compare to the range of things you can enjoy at still a reasonable cb level on a piety acc


zerk if you like low risk pking/fighting pures

piety if you can afford to pk in decent gear and have a team so you wont get sodomised by lemon/unique/fl  


You can't call accounts with piety pures, they're just med level mains


zerk tho


Think piety quests might get u 61 Attack :S

Just now, Peen said:

Think piety quests might get u 61 Attack :S

This. If you're OCD about your attack levels like I am then don't go piety pure. The Kings ransom minigame will get you 61 attack.


all depends on you, if your bored go zerk, but remember it will take a while to go back

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