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call me xile vid 2


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Not bad, different music choice, which is always good to hear :)


was pretty good for your 1st time


Ill take a look.

You were my target earlier :p

Edit: Was pretty good not bad editing.

Prehaps could practise a bit lol.


Not bad for a vid 1 well done


ty for all poisitve comments.

yea i cant really edit though.


Editing comes with time, i still need practice with it.


You need a lot of pk practice, it seems. No offense, but a lot of your clips were sloppt; Not editing-wise, but switched / kills. I saw you attempting to hybrid in one clip w/o a staff...


these clips r 3 months old so my pk style is out of date


haha you remind me of when i used my first sony editing. gj tho manĀ  :victory:


DAM YOU, I hate you!!!! lol jk :wub: nice vid bro, happy i wasnt in it LOL ;D and lol at prat dieing

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