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What leve does sw become good at?


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What level does sw become better than msb training at?

ty (:


Around 80+is when it gets good but anything in 70 is still decent xp.


for range its good at 70

different skills are better to start at different lvl at sw

but for range 70 is pretty good

90+ is when it starts getting really fast


i would say 90+ b/c you'll get like atleast 6k per zeal


So...75 range would be faster than msb'ing rock crabs?


do you have an avas accumulator? are you picking up the arrows at rock crabs?


1, Its all bout the sw.


I would say around 75-80.


Sw is good 80-99 and level inbetween there. I suggest not to do it anywhere lower because it would mess up your hp


60-80 depending on your amount of laziness to actually train.


do you have an avas accumulator? are you picking up the arrows at rock crabs?

Yes. i dont pick them u but i haveĀ  accum. and im quite bad at concentrating. So i normally train at crabs for 35 mins then get bored.

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