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$Abeo Jnr Goals and Achievements$

Adam | LayDown

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Adam | LayDown

Sup guys, first off i would like to give a big thank you to Stef' for giving me this account. The stats when i first got this acc were 50 atk 70 str 71 range 73 mage 15 pray.

Ive done a bit of work on it since then :D


Current stats:

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*please suggest quests for me :P i am willing to get pray up but only via quests

(will add more pics when i lv/ when i decide i wana add more) plz comment on wat u think i should raise/quests i should do


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Adam | LayDown

First :D

And sexy-ass account, what combat is it?

69 :P

@ pete, im eventually gonna get 45 cuz i wana use this acc for foe trips when i finally get a chance to go

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Sup adam :) Thanks for putting me in the post, i hope you'll get ur goals soon

if there's anything i can do, just let me know, ye?

Don't Get Prayer.

ps; my name = `Stef xd <3

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Adam | LayDown

Sup adam :) Thanks for putting me in the post, i hope you'll get ur goals soon

if there's anything i can do, just let me know, ye?

Don't Get Prayer.

ps; my name = `Stef xd <3

haha i did notice that awhile ago but i cba to change it lol <3

and u guys r no help with this quest situation

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Sup adam :) Thanks for putting me in the post, i hope you'll get ur goals soon

if there's anything i can do, just let me know, ye?

Don't Get Prayer.

ps; my name = `Stef xd <3

haha i did notice that awhile ago but i cba to change it lol <3

and u guys r no help with this quest situation

if im right there should be a guide in the guide-section for the quests :)
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Adam i got a new pure recently, i quested its pray its a good idea, i did all possible pray quests apart from ones that give def exp (of course) and summoning xp.. u should do the same mate, also i left out the ones that i need 47 pray for as i wanted to stay 44, anchor quests etc gl

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Adam | LayDown

Adam i got a new pure recently, i quested its pray its a good idea, i did all possible pray quests apart from ones that give def exp (of course) and summoning xp.. u should do the same mate, also i left out the ones that i need 47 pray for as i wanted to stay 44, anchor quests etc gl

i plan on it... i just cba to look up wat quests those r thats why im asking people to tell me which r the best 2 do

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Adam | LayDown

i wanted say get pray but then i saw stef didnt want u to then i saw the cute lotte face im like ahh fine DONT GET PRAYER

haha watch out stef maining is comming for lotte!!!!

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