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That's my ex-leader


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10 hours ago, Danny said:

Not like him to do that...


but now you are in a better place ?


7 hours ago, Tyendinaga said:

who leaves the best P2P clan in clanning lmao

Best in P2P means nothing if the community is shit. Honestly only liked like 3 people in Apex: Mus, 3 Man, and cold.


i remember nox from 2011 how is that guy a leader, there is no way the 7 years has helped his iq enough

2 minutes ago, MaxedJackal said:

Best in P2P means nothing if the community is shit. Honestly only liked like 3 people in Apex: Mus, 3 Man, and cold.


which cold?

43 minutes ago, Fred said:


which cold?

C0ld world. Eleven in game.

11 hours ago, Danny said:

Not like him to do that...


but now you are in a better place ?


1 hour ago, MaxedJackal said:

Best in P2P means nothing if the community is shit. Honestly only liked like 3 people in Apex: Mus, 3 Man, and cold.

no hard feelings, do u 

14 hours ago, Migo said:

all that time at sand crabs prolly has him feeling... crabby :kappa:

lol ^^


get this pc and app bud, u're welcome

12 hours ago, Tyendinaga said:

who leaves the best P2P clan in clanning lmao

winning 2-3 preps dont make u the best p2p clan in clanning loser


foe got cups etc in p2p 


We'll polish that p2p cup until Apex come calling for it; then we'll smash them back into their place.


Join the Legion.


Doesn’t sound like nox to me prob something your hiding


tf is this l0l what a mug

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