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Dead outside of events?


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Sup guys, Im currently gridning thees last levels to finally be able to app.
But i have a feeling this clan is REALLY dead outside of the main events, almost every mid week ive been to we're able to pull like 4-5 people, peaked once at like 8 for 2 mins then 2 left again.

Not sure if this is how it's always been or whats going on.

So i have 2 questions: Is this normal for it to be this inactive?
And if it is, can you duo clan? One for mid week and one for weekends or something simular? ;o



I don't think you can "duo" a clan for midweek activities.


I have to agree with you on the activities outside of the main events.


as a lot of people are in school/work full time jobs during the week, it's kinda not too busy with midweeks. 


People work/study/have other commitments throughout the day, that means the peak amount of people playing will always be in the evenings. Considering Americans are a few hours behind in timezones most events occur around 9-10GMT.


Usually winter is just a busy period for everyone involved, people need to take care of their IRL shit before they can play more RS. Activity always picks up in spring and is usually booming through Summer.


Only thing remains though is that people just wait for others to start PK trips...seeing people disconnect from TS after not seeing anyone else on means that there can be 5-10 people willing to PK and not seeing each other...


u cant duo clan


and ive never seen a scheduled midweek with 5 people but ok!




adding to what Paul said, I think a lot of people are hardcore training their accounts now because the clan is tightening down on people who don't pull their weight, I know I've been nolifing NMZ for the past week or so and so haven't been able to PK as much as I'd like

Posted (edited)

Alright duo clanning out of the question ^^

Yeah i can understand to some of the points made. I don't think ive been to a scheduled midweek tbh.
Only been to the trips Jake & James has been putting together (Thanks for that). Which has been a blast even tho we dont pull big numbers.
But feels like if they dont push people to come to midweeks it dont happend unfortunately. :/

EDIT: Also no open pk channel in TS?

Edited by O1iver

unfortunate answer is yes


pst time zone is extra ded



midweek most people busy with school/work or whatever else is happening irl


best thread ever 


People who made events and made sure we were active during the week got pushed out the clan :)




Find a better game to play mid week 


TBf it's not always like this.. sometimes midweeks we can pull around 15 it just varies 

  On 1/29/2018 at 9:26 PM, Paul said:

People work/study/have other commitments throughout the day, that means the peak amount of people playing will always be in the evenings. Considering Americans are a few hours behind in timezones most events occur around 9-10GMT.


Usually winter is just a busy period for everyone involved, people need to take care of their IRL shit before they can play more RS. Activity always picks up in spring and is usually booming through Summer.


Only thing remains though is that people just wait for others to start PK trips...seeing people disconnect from TS after not seeing anyone else on means that there can be 5-10 people willing to PK and not seeing each other...


pretty much covers everything.


I’d rather one shot people with khazix instead 


Show up to kill shit kids at scheduled times. Only reason to play rs. Who actually skills anymore haha

  On 1/29/2018 at 9:21 PM, O1iver said:

Sup guys, Im currently gridning thees last levels to finally be able to app.
But i have a feeling this clan is REALLY dead outside of the main events, almost every mid week ive been to we're able to pull like 4-5 people, peaked once at like 8 for 2 mins then 2 left again.

Not sure if this is how it's always been or whats going on.

So i have 2 questions: Is this normal for it to be this inactive?
And if it is, can you duo clan? One for mid week and one for weekends or something simular? ;o



lmfao pls stfu 

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