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Pure prayer quests

Connor|New Recruits

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Connor|New Recruits

What are the quests I need to do before I get 44 prayer? This is a list I pulled from another topic but I believe the bottom 3 are not necessary? Any and all insight is appreciated.


Prayer Experience:

  • Restless Ghost - 1,125 XP
  • Priest in Peril - 1,406 XP
  • Mountain Daughter - 2,000 XP
  • Ghosts Ahoy - 2,400 XP
  • The Great Brain Robbery - 6,000  XP
  • Rum Deal - 7,000 XP

Total Prayer XP is 17,531 (32 Prayer)


another slice of ham gives 3,000 prayer xp but you don't have to complete it to get access to the ancient mace


Don't need to do Rum Deal/Great Brain Robbery if you stay 44 prayer as those are Anchor quests which you can't do until 47/50 prayer


Do the bottom quests if you're considering 52 prayer


Do the bottom 3 if you're going for 52 prayer/anchor.


From memory, the rest look correct.


i was looking at these quests i did ghost ahoy for ecto but the other 2 you need like 50 pray to start

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