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FOE Against the World ~ P2P Sunday


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Sunday 11th February: Final Ownage Elite massed up 88 strong elites ready to murder any garbage clans in P2P. Fought EOP who had 85 people and as soon as we started fighting them at gdz and they started getting fucked they returned in 1 item, invited 3 other clans in their capes and just ragged us. Despite all of this, we fucking dominated and tried as hard as we could to maintain it. With the best members in the game I am proud of you guys for staying as long as possible and owning.


FOE against the world: pures, mains, invites, 1v4 against EOP, AAO, PX & Mains.


Cheers for coming, strong stuff today.












After walking around the wilderness hoping EOP would rush us and hitting some clans we found in the wilderness, we moved west of gdz and set up a fight against EOP. We rushed into them from the west and after taking an initial lead despite being down numbers, EOP decided to start logging onto their mains and 1 iteming us in order to prevent a loss. The fight lasted for quite a long time and every single time we destroyed the majority of their pures, we noticed more and more mains arrived at the fight. Eventually Mogtime's stream with 100 mains crashed so we moved away to gap and 


Eventually, when other clans ended, certain members of other clans came to 1 item us in EOP capes just to fight us.


Today it was FOE against the world and we had to endure waves of mains, 1 item and ragging. We wont break and we will continue to rise above the odds.


Good job guys, be on this week for events.



we made eop degear in 30 minutes LMFAO




Good shit to all those that stayed through that main/rag cancer


EuAzWgd.pngthe cancer we put up with for nearly 3 hours, good shit boys seriously.

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