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Taco Limey


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The best?  Runescape is 99% luck and everyone here knows it.  His vids keep me entertained for a good 10 minutes.  Doesn't make him the best.  Just because you can click multiple items quickly and then get lucky with a high hit doesn't make you the best, or anyone else for that matter.  Stop acting like Runescape actually takes a large amount of skill.

tl;dr : No.

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Vid's insane, but not the best pker imo.


The best?  Runescape is 99% luck and everyone here knows it.  His vids keep me entertained for a good 10 minutes.  Doesn't make him the best.  Just because you can click multiple items quickly and then get lucky with a high hit doesn't make you the best, or anyone else for that matter.  Stop acting like Runescape actually takes a large amount of skill.

tl;dr : No.

99% luck.  :lol:


Pro tbh


Just no. The kid is pretty pathetic in my opinion. Saw him pking a few days ago, and every time his ags/dds failed to ko he would run out of the wilderness with protect on. When people clawed him/speced him, instant pray.


he isnt a rune pure, hes like a lvl 125 zerker, that in my mind, is not pure anymore, hes a zerker main >.>

hes good tho.


Hes 99 Pray + Summoning.

He's a maxed zerker but in that particular clip he cashed in his summoning so it made him able to fight higher levels.

On topic: I think he's pretty good at the type of Pking style he Pk's with. I think his high risk also contributes to his ownage, when he's low risk gear he's just like all the other zerkers.


I'm a maxed Berserker Pure too. When he was 107 Combat he rushed me (and killed me) in level 3 Edgy.

He doesn't pk with honor, and he seems like a hot headed asshole.

Nonetheless, he can pk.

I followed him around a few times when he was pking, and he embarrassed quite a few people.

The best PKers in game are level 130s+ who don't even make videos.



You guys realize some of the best pkers I've ever pked with laugh at people like him? The people who put out vids on rsc and try to get famous.. When he can brid and switch out his entire wardrobe (prolly 8 item switches) and actually fight skilled pkers, then he'll be considered one of the best. Go watch RoT single pk and you'll see some of the best hybridding skills you've ever seen. (well, atleast when I was RoT back in 06)


not #1 pker but hes got incredibly sxc dds specs and was a nice vid  ^_^



IMO, the best pker out there. He has the best tactics and switchings, fucking unbeatable. I wouldn't want to fight him  :wow:

Best rusher maybe, best pker, No.

All his kills are from him rushing people already potted then spec after 1 hit with overpowered weps, guarantee fair fight 1v1 he would get fucked by majority of people, anyone can rush hes far from #1 pker and hes only unbeatable cuz he only fights idiot mains and runs from any real fight

sad nub rusher fail nerd l2pk 2010 noob sad

are they the links in the description of your vid to tell them what it is?

ffs l2ask sad nerd?

fight no veng no fc no safe no run no tele no dm no eat no pray no spec no hybrid no pot


Exactly, try to get a decent fight when everyone is afraid of losing pixels to u.

Also the best pkers taco wouldn't even touch are maxed mains with divines pking in 100m risk.


He has insane hits and sometimes insane risks but the way he pks doesn't really allow much chance of losing. Then again, whilst everyone may pay him out for "not having honour", in the end your goal is to kill someone and he does just fine at doing that whilst not letting them kill him. :)


good vid but not the best pker by far

Connor|New Recruits

You guys realize some of the best pkers I've ever pked with laugh at people like him? The people who put out vids on rsc and try to get famous.. When he can brid and switch out his entire wardrobe (prolly 8 item switches) and actually fight skilled pkers, then he'll be considered one of the best. Go watch RoT single pk and you'll see some of the best hybridding skills you've ever seen. (well, atleast when I was RoT back in 06)

Sorry but people don't run around with 8 way switches.


Lol no. His acc is over-powered obviously. Any pure that regulary PK's could easily switch like that after 30 mins of practice. He may have one of the best for PKing's accounts out there, but far from being the best individual PKer.

So, you're saying that there is no such as "the best pker" if the only criteria is 30 minutes of practice and a good account?

Furthermore, @everyone, I watched him pk for about 30 minutes the other while I EP-ed, and he gets rushed just as much and does fight people that are higher cb than he...



pretty epic. best pker there imo.


ultra is more pro! :d awesome vid


Im going to correct myself. When i said that hes "IMO the best pker out there", i meant on YouTube not ingame. As someone said, only a few really good pkers make vids (Bwuk Im Pb for an example), but the true killer pkers don't make video but have huge ingame respect.

Yeah, Taco doesn't have honour, so what? He risks a shitload of items and he dies with them too. I have seen him lose 20m+ so i understand why he runs away if he knows he can't make it/his specs fail. But if you tell me that hes a "youtube product" or that he isnt really good at pking then you obviusly haven't seen his videos or your a troll.

^ thats gonna be a tl;dr lol


Limey ownz but his music style is shit :victory:


Sick video.


I'm not the best pker, or do I call myself one. Those mains at MB IMO are the better ones. On my account though, I can't go up there or compete with them, so yea I'm kinda stuck.

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