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Disclaimer: Prefer you not to troll because I've been having these issues for awhile and if you can't fix them please don't say you can and waste my time 


My computer for the past 2-3 months has been crashing randomly and blue screening, from what I googled it seems to be a driver error of some sorts. Recently I've found that when I disconnect my Blue Snowball (Mic) I get the blue screen that you see below. I can't seem to find any "Updated" drivers for it as it seems I have the latest version. Maybe someone can find out if it's coming from something else or has encountered this issue before.





@Kris I know you're pretty good w/comps maybe you can help me out? 

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@Moni It’s an issue between windows communicating with the chip in the blue snowball so download and install the ASIO4ALL driver and you should be good to go 

Edited by Chirpp
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2 minutes ago, Chirpp said:

@Moni It’s an issue between windows communicating with the chip in the blue snowball so download and install the ASIO4ALL driver and you should be good to go 

I'll try to do this

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3 minutes ago, Chirpp said:

@Moni It’s an issue between windows communicating with the chip in the blue snowball so download and install the ASIO4ALL driver and you should be good to go 

@Chirpp I downloaded it and I'm unsure how to enable the drivers, once i downloaded it there's no popout on what to enable etc it's just there. Does it automatically adjust my drivers? 

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5 minutes ago, Moni said:

@Chirpp I downloaded it and I'm unsure how to enable the drivers, once i downloaded it there's no popout on what to enable etc it's just there. Does it automatically adjust my drivers? 

Yea it should do it automatically 

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Advice is to completely remove the audio driver and reinstall it, If you have tried that already, Can you follow option one here: http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5560-bsod-minidump-configure-create-windows-10-a.html
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c/windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone else with right software to read them will help you fix it https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL20uYmVzdG9mbWVkaWEuY29tL3NmcC9pbWFnZXMvZGVzaWduL3Vzci9zbWlsaWVzL3NtaWxlLmdpZg==


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it's a driver error, reinstall the associated drivers. reinstall your C-Media usb driver. if you've already been fucking around with it and changed a bunch of stuff and nothing posted here works then i'd do a system restore. it won't fix your error but youll be at a clean slate and can fix shit from there.

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Windows 10 is ass man I was hearing people having problems whenever items were plugged into the computer whenever stuff was plugged up via USB like a camera, phone or mixer.

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