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20 atk?

Ii Lied

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i doubt u can afford a corrupt pure with 5m


ive never made an obby mauler, but ide say to get higher str first


Dude vls is a beast weapon. A lot of my friends went from 1 to 20 attack and they love it. Vls is beast. + You can still you obby maul whenever you feel like it too.


Stay one attack for the Time being because theres no point of having Vls with 50 Strength imo.


True I forgot about that. You're only 50 str. Just get 20 attk whenever you're in the 80-90 str zone, thats the best since you'll hit really high with the vls(:


Get 20 I guess. You'll realize that its probably going to be pretty boring and then you should get either 50 or 60 lol.


low lvl pking is sht get some stats and get 50 atk for mual and stay im not even trollin


I have to be honest, i dislike obby maulers, but if you like them, do you, but i would probally get 20 attack.


since i dont think anyone here has experience. don't get the 20 att, it's a pain staying in corrupt items. obby maul u can use as much as u want with obby neck, and it hits about the same

and dont listen to these fuck offs saying ur not a real pure if u dont get more attack, more att u get=more quests u gotta do=the more playing u gotta do.

just do you man


20att is not worth it since a corrupt vesta longsword only lasts for 15mins and is worth 3-4mil. You will not really gain any money from it. You will most likely get a loss from it


not yet wait until u are way higher lvl


ya if your bored of 1 attk after higher str.. get 20, vls owns.. plus you will hit more often


ya get it be Corrupt pure there ownage


i've had plenty obby maulers, and i say when you are 70-80+ str get 20 attack, but not at 50.

and to actually make money so you dont loose vesta/statius money so fast i suggest fighting only targs with corr. but its your account m8 you do what you want, but thats what i would do. :)


Stay 1 until you get a decent bank and higher str around 85ish should be fine. Also when it comes to it your the one who has to make the decision of getting 20 attack.


i would get 90 str then get 20 attack but its really your choice

Spittles (Old School)

dont get 20attack untill you have money.

Adam | LayDown

can u afford vesta/statius?


stay 1 for a while and get higher str then decide


just use obby maul.... vls is over priced

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