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Omg yes! did jad at lvl 55

b a m b iii

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Haha nice one, i cant even to at level 86 ;(


:omg: naise

what movie is your avatar from? i forgot.
Wanted. L.

Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?


Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

cuz they are jealous

im not really buying it either :p

4 attempts? thats about 200k range xp. youd be 73 range now instead of still 70 so yeah...

if you really did do it yourself then gratz though its not much special in 2010 anymore :x


Grats on buying your fire cape then making a topic. I don't know why people do this.

i did'nt buy it lol



^ theres how he did it.



^ theres how he did it.



Jacked this form their website bro.

Posted Image


Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

i can see by the way he types that hes IQ is below average and he didnt do fight caves
Guest Emote|Muse

Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

i can see by the way he types that hes IQ is below average and he didnt do fight caves

Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

i can see by the way he types that hes IQ is below average and he didnt do fight caves

The way i type makes my IQ below average? Good job realising i am 13


Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

i can see by the way he types that hes IQ is below average and he didnt do fight caves

The way i type makes my IQ below average? Good job realising i am 13

u come here often bro?

Jacked this form their website bro.

Posted Image

i have 61 hp not 65


Are you guys really questioning somebody about getting cape at level 55? The cape isn't hard to get especially with 70 range so why is it so hard to believe?

i can see by the way he types that hes IQ is below average and he didnt do fight caves

The way i type makes my IQ below average? Good job realising i am 13

u come here often bro?

Yes why?


WIN. Good job way to make your self feel like a dumb ass now hahahaha.


"What's that Tubbs? You think its bullshit? Yeah, so do i."


Cal|Brap wins over u he has crystal bow firecape and 90 mage at 65 cmb SO G.G


add iRonald

equal stats


Nice job, wish I could do it, but cbf getting prayer.

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