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R.I.P Honor Hell.


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Hello everybody. My pure, Honor Hell got banned for macroing, even though I do not own an autoer. How, you ask? My brother knew the password and used the RSBot on my account, because he didn't have one. He just now told me this when I woke up this morning, and told me he was trying to help me out, but I guess he was a little mistaken? I don't know how he got the pass, I don't know when, all I know is he got it somehow and started autoing. I was a little skeptical when I saw more money in my bank every morning, even though I know I hadn't done FOE... someday...or maybe not, you never know....

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aloota blackamrks got removed recently check it again :nice:

I got banned this morning dude....They weren't removed...Jagex is a bunch of faggots

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Pwned. Nah man thats harsh.

Everyones little brother fucks up their RuneScape account.

QFT mine got me booted once.

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Im A Fucking Dildo

I may be wrong but Im pretty sure that the account isnt "alive" there for it couldnt really have been a "Good Pure" seeing as you where the one that leveled him up and played on him.

Sucks tho  o.O

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It's never the real owner admitting they do it, it's always a friend, sibling, cousing etc lol..

And when you crash, it's somebody else. Or an inanimate object, lmao.

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It's never the real owner admitting they do it, it's always a friend, sibling, cousing etc lol..

It's assholes like you that make up jagex too, right? Some people may actually have little brothers, that like to mess with their accounts, but you probably wouldn't know that because you're just perfect in every way. If you're going to post stuff like that, stay off my threads.

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