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Anyone got a good desert treasure guide?

E O H Shak

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I've looked on these forums and google and haven't found a good guide for pures with only 13 prayer

Anyone got a good guide they could hook me up with?



i dont really know of any but if ur looking for quest and stuff alot of guides have the reqs to do that quest and wat prayer lvls can/cant do it :)


if you wanna i can give you a desert tresure for 1 pray 1 def boss killing guide



or youtube

type desert treasure guide

and look for the user goingcrazy or something like that


its easy..just kill the monsters and thats it


Rune Hq, Tip.it, It's still easy with 13 pray, just you have to be more careful.


i dont know how to kill kamil without a blocker i'm stuck


Yeah just youtube some videos on how to kill the bosses and you'll be fine, find a friend that already done dt and has def+pray to block for you on some parts.


done it was a terrible quest now im back to training range



or youtube

type desert treasure guide

and look for the user goingcrazy or something like that

Fail, that girl has like 70+ Prayer and 70+ Defence. He wanted to find a guide for a 13 prayer pure. I did DT too at 13 prayer, search alot in youtube with the keywords that way i found the missing pieces


Yah youtube was the key i found a video pretty far down the list that showed me everything i needed to know

can't wait for 94 mage now =) 88 atm =/


my favorite quest

Same hate sub quests though.

i dont know how to kill kamil without a blocker i'm stuck

ill block for you, add wl o ingame.


i dont know how to kill kamil without a blocker i'm stuck

ill block for you, add wl o ingame.

thanks but i already found someone and completed the quest

and the sub quests were boring too


if ur 13 prayer just go to runehq and it helps out a lot and u will only have trouble 1 time cause u will need a friend to help get the ice diamond


runehq.com    has good quest quides and other stuff


i've done dt yesterday at 35 cb for me friend :)

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