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60m+ risk, level 66 Barrage/Miasmic - PANIC INC PK VID 2


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dont flame on that topic, only had them in 60m+ risk clips (blue mask, fury, mageĀ  book, master wand, etc), and didnt really help me much

Lord Maytag:

MM Member/APP tried to kill me in hybrid dms, i won 9-0.

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just risking a lot does not make your video good



just risking a lot does not make your video good


Makes it more entertaining as risking 75k

I liked it 4/5


just risking a lot does not make your video good


5/5 just cuz your vid is more interesting then ultras vids. (Wish u didnt get healed though)


ultra, it has decent hybriding aswell, and for hits keep in mind its only 66 combat.

and i would probably beat u in a hybrid DM


ultra, it has decent hybriding aswell, and for hits keep in mind its only 66 combat.

and i would probably beat u in a hybrid DM

ok lets hybrid dm pvp, risk 10m to 20m in gear, we can have more than 1 if u like

ultra, it has decent hybriding aswell, and for hits keep in mind its only 66 combat.

and i would probably beat u in a hybrid DM

ok lets hybrid dm pvp, risk 10m to 20m in gear, we can have more than 1 if u like
(00:09:56) <Soham> brid dm me?

(00:09:59) <Soham> u just posted on my vid

(00:10:00) <Soham> panic inc

(00:11:16) <Ultra> ok

(00:11:17) <Ultra> in pvp

(00:11:24) <Ultra> risk 20m both?

(00:12:17) <Soham> cmbtĀ  lvl?

(00:12:56) <Ultra> 76

(00:13:28) <Ultra> rsn = Mini--Ultra

(00:13:36) <Soham> im 71 atm so keep it DA or clan wars, once im 76 ill fight you w/ 50m+ risk in pvp

(00:14:21) <Ultra> not doing da dont got time to waste runes for nobody

(00:17:19) <Soham> idiot, pm me once ur ready to dm me @ da w/ real gear



ultra, it has decent hybriding aswell, and for hits keep in mind its only 66 combat.

and i would probably beat u in a hybrid DM

dood... challenging ultra to hybrid dm is like signing your own death warrant :s

Liked the vid, it was alright, but get those low hits out of there. Ā And don't advertise 60m risk if you're going to have two healers, I know you said don't talk about it but I can't rly ignore it lol.

2.5/5 kept me entertained but way too many low hits. Ā With your hybridding, you can definitely make a better vid than that, imo.

ooh another post while I was making mine...

lol.. just train up to 76 cb.


Not bad hybriding but Ultra much better .


Intense- rly liked the pking with zuriels

+ Ultra will simply be more experienced if you two fight, because he fights people who can pray his attacks. In your vid the most i saw someone pray is mage, which aint even that big of a deal. Still gl

+ overused music


almost all of ur kills r cos the guys outta food, didnt like ur vid. U did some combos tho, 2/5

And yah, whats the point of risking 60m if they cant kil u cos u get healed!Ā  :shifty:


all idiots that say this kid better then ultra r a joke lmao he just gets mains to prot him with heal thats it

ur not bad but ur not any close to be as good as ultra


4/5 just because i love Rise Against and there is some decent hybridng there.


Ultras vids and hybriding is far superior to yours, bridding at pure hill with 2-3 healers/vengers isn't really a sign of skilled hybriding imo.


was decent vid.. cool risks and music. Only thing i didn't like was how the vid was sooooo slow. Clips r like 30 seconds each i like to see lots of combos and very fast clips. I got bored after a minute lol. Good job though and hope to watch the rest some other time. lol



Noob this my forums :) yeah liked it mate didnt enjoy the healers but u a good hybrid :p


just risking a lot does not make your video good


I've noticed that you hate on ANYBODY with good videos that isn't a friend of yours. This kid's a good pker and has good switches and nice risks. The only thing not good about it was the healers/vengers in the first clips. Stop hating dude, seriously.. it makes you looks childish.

nice vid, dude.


3/5. Was decent.

Your old "twin" is a downie though.

Guest Emote|Muse

You're getting healed while fighting pures with like 75 str lol


Lord Maytag:

MM Member/APP tried to kill me in hybrid dms, i won 9-0.

Didn't realize you needed tele tabs to hybrid DM your friend...Besides Josh sucks at pking.

Feel free to answer that one...

Only part I really liked was the dclaw spec to gmaul spec..


Not bad hybriding, although without your healers/vengers i feel you wouldnt do as good.


nice. low lvl pkin is fun but its really easy.. It is litteraly impossible to die when people are healing you against people who can hit like 20s.

Other than that it was really good.


stop watching after the u got healed/venged for the first 5 clips

u suck at hybriding u should get 49 def


and i would probably beat u in a hybrid DM

This should never be said, you will awaken the darkness in ultra. he could kill us all.
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