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exHustlers Progress ;)


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Hey Foe, this is me exHustler, i recently made a introduction. But i thought i would tell you guys what i got so far, and by the way, i changed my name to "From Regret"  Stats :: 50 Attack, 70 Strength, 1 Defence, 43 Prayer, 61 Hitpoints, 53 range, and 40 magic, i also have about 14m cash, i'm done training until 30m cash, which should be like next friday, but ya, if any of you want to talk, just pm me, or myspace meh..myspace.com/inhumaneduh

Peace, and love,

From Regret


Hey whats up man(: Very nice stats, whats your combat? And gl on making the cash! hopefully you'll get the stats to join FOE(:


59 combat, and yeah, FOE is my dream clan, but i'm not giving up till i'm in foe.


Hope to see you get Foe Reqs soon :D


Thank you, appreciate it.


what did you used to hustle?



*psst* phr33 +1s for all yippee!


59 combat, and yeah, FOE is my dream clan, but i'm not giving up till i'm in foe.

I know what you mean man.. I just apped for FOE yesterday, and I just have to attend the trips then im officially in(:

either botted, or you'll give up on your "dream" in less then a week, good luck.


sup d000d. idk who u are but haiii!


Lols, your not gonna talk me down, it's not hard to click, wait, and click again.


What was your original username? Can't look you up.


Good luck. hope you get in when you app, ^^


Still have a lot to do, good luck!


gl with your goals!!! and gl with that cash :D!


Gl with your dream to join foe :]


I'm currently fishing..Did have 134m cash on this account, but got keylogged at the library, lols.

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