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Anyone like Hiphop / rap?


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Did you make the underlying eight-note piano progressions?  Cause the last of every four is in a minor key instead of major, I think you should slip the last one into a major set just before you go into the refrain.  Maybe try it and alter some of your singing to match, see how you like it.  Other than that I like it a lot.

I like hip-hop and rap a lot, I don't see why everyone has a problem with them.  It's not that white boys think they're hood (okay, maybe a lot of the time it is), it's the message a lot of the music sends, like keep on going through hard times etc.

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Did you make the underlying eight-note piano progressions?  Cause the last of every four is in a minor key instead of major, I think you should slip the last one into a major set just before you go into the refrain.  Maybe try it and alter some of your singing to match, see how you like it.  Other than that I like it a lot.

I like hip-hop and rap a lot, I don't see why everyone has a problem with them.  It's not that white boys think they're hood (okay, maybe a lot of the time it is), it's the message a lot of the music sends, like keep on going through hard times etc.

I have no idea what you said about that piano talk, lol. Nah, I didn't make the beat. It's a shadowville beat.

Also, I agree with people stereotyping Hip Hop and people who listen to it / live the culture. Myself, Hip Hop's my life. I don't dress like a wigger or act black. Hell, I don't even listen to 99% of the radio music, lol. I couldn't tell you most industry artist's new songs. But give me some old school 90's jam or some indie / underground shit and I'm set. Sage francis ya'll! :D

And thanks chase, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Classified, Brother Ali, Theory Hazit..real hip hop

Dude brother ali's like my fucking idol. He's amazing. Have you heard his new album "us"? if you haven't, either buy it or youtube it.

Atmosphere, sage francis, aesop rock :D hell yeah.

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  • 2 months later...
pker of neeb

BRING IT BACK TO THE DAYS OF WU TANG CLAN, BIG PUN, BIG L, BIGGIE, PAC, JURASSIC 5, PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS! hahah 2 many to name. im missing the soul that used to be in hiphop an rap... now fuck beiber is considered a rapper... FUCK! haha :).

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