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D72aztii7k_I Productions Presents: Skele--Pures PvP Video 1


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Hello everyone :D

So, for the past 5 days I've been editing Skele--Pures from Fi's vid. It's been pretty challenging at some points, but for the most part I had some fun doing it. :)

Why did I edit Skele's vid?

I've known him IRL for the past 5 years of my life. We used to skateboard with a shitload of other people until sundown every day of the week after school was finished. I've promised him since the pioneer days of Windows Movie Maker that I would edit some vid of some sort for him, and when he showed me this folder of clips I couldn't resist.

His combos are pretty tricky (from experience), probably because he's way too fucking good at them. Some of his combos include the traditional Whip>DDS, as well as some like Whip>Vesta>Maul. We've DMed 4 times, and he's completely fucked me over with a hit higher than 30 4 times in a row. Maybe things shall change now that I have my own statius hammer :shifty:

The editing itself took some time. The clips were really flat and kind of just kills, so I tried my best to amp everything up, without overediting or making it look too cheesy.

Song titles can be found in the description of the vid.

Also, don't forget to Rate/Comment/Subscribe!

Thanks again!

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Nice Video good pker ^_^


soooo much editing it made me dizzy

at0mic skill

good pking nice clips

editing was good not to much but i had to mute the musicĀ  (n)


very nice.

well sort out pker



Great editing dan, liked the introduction especially.


Hot, now go enter SOTW =D


I put up a topic on RSC, feel free to support :D


i didnt dig the music. Maybea little over edited but not bad.

Dave (Cha0s)

Editing was alright, seems like you had alot of fun with editing all the clips :)

Pking wasnt bad, mainly rangers though and skele running round with an msb and a k0 wep so the vid was a bit lacking in that respect. Only noticed one kid in rune meleeing at the end. Also fights seemed a bit long, could've been cut a bit more.


Now that I look at it, he does kill an epic amount of rangers O_o

I didn't even notice while editing lol :P


Transition from the wallpaintings to the intro clip should have been a bit more smooth. The intro clip was alright but could have had a better hook. Also i think there was too much emphasis and some clips, (massive zooming in 20 KO clips) Could have had better clips if the guy spent longer pking because it just seemed like he put every kill he got in the wildy into the video.

I liked that you tried to synch it with the music but sometimes it was off like 2:40, it faded out too early. Also you dont need an effect every few seconds, only at points where you need to emphasize the KO.



nise :d :victory:


Transition from the wallpaintings to the intro clip should have been a bit more smooth. The intro clip was alright but could have had a better hook. Also i think there was too much emphasis and some clips, (massive zooming in 20 KO clips) Could have had better clips if the guy spent longer pking because it just seemed like he put every kill he got in the wildy into the video.

I liked that you tried to synch it with the music but sometimes it was off like 2:40, it faded out too early. Also you dont need an effect every few seconds, only at points where you need to emphasize the KO.


Thanks for the honest CC. It's the third time I've edited a big video using Sony Vegas, so everything's still new ot me. I'm still reading tuts and just throwing random effects and seeing what they would look like if they were to blend.

For the tapestry>video transition it was originally not meant to be like that; What I had originally wanted it to look as if the tapestry was burning away, however due to lack of experience with the tool I couldn't do it at all. Second best bet was to try and make it seem as if it were tearing away, and the only transition I had for this type of thing was the cheesy looking jagged spread-thing. :P

Only reason I was really gunning it with the clips because a lot of them were really flat and boring, and pretty difficult to work with. What I had originally wanted to do was to try and make it so that everything looked really good, without being too overedited. I know examples you can point at are the two clips near the end of the first song, as well as some others. I made them specifically short with heavy effects so that they could kind of make up for eachother; Guess it didn't work out as planned.

The shatter effect at 2:40 was the best I could do, due to the tool being a... Well... Tool lol. I know what you mean when it doesn't synch, I was going for something different but it obviously was not done properly.

Thanks a lot for the CC, it's really good coming from someone like you :D


Twas visual delight, sir.

Y4nk33 D33s

it was a nice vid, alot of editing tho

Its zeh noob

Nice vid, but a bit too much edditing over a few clips:)

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