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Do you automatically tip like a cuck?


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If the service is poor AND the food is poor, definetly not. But if the service is poor and the food is great its hard to not give something at least. But all restaraunts etc should have good service so they dont really deserve any tip if its poor...

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2 hours ago, Luke said:

Fantastic scene and Buscemi is great but yes I absolutely tip. Waitstaff in America depend on it as wages are deducted for presumed tips to meet minimum wage and unless there is absolutely horrendous service I'll tip. I'll tip extra for good service but it comes down to the fact that I feel I've been given opportunities in life that a lot of people don't and if I don't pay it forward how would you expect others to pick you up when you're down? It's not being a cuck it's being a humanistic person. Blue over Jew my friends. Blue over jew. 

It’s funny cause you’re Jewish and in that scene they state that about how a Jew wouldn’t even do such a thing but in all reality’s it’s a flawed trickle downed concept that companies enforce which imo needs to change, if anything all waiters/servers should atleast make minimum and go from there

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I think you're all cucks for living in a Country that uses the word 'tip' as a means of forced gratuity to make up for your shitty employment laws

Even in a non customary tipping Country I will always give about 10% to delivery drivers if I order a takeaway or at restaurants if I'm happy but that's it. I'd like to keep the people who handle my food happy just in case...

Edited by Dockerexe
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23 hours ago, Intu said:

I’ve always wondered when the restaurant industry convinced the people (customers) to pay their employees for them.

Exactly, a tip’s a tip. It’s extra and a gesture of goodwill saying thanks for being a service to me. I give flat 2$ don’t even care. Edit: if it’s delivery like 5$

Edited by W3`
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4 hours ago, `SZN said:

It’s funny cause you’re Jewish and in that scene they state that about how a Jew wouldn’t even do such a thing but in all reality’s it’s a flawed trickle downed concept that companies enforce which imo needs to change, if anything all waiters/servers should atleast make minimum and go from there

You fix the system and raise minimum wage across the board, including for wait-staff and I'll change my habits, but imo using a broken system to justify not tipping is just attempted justification 

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