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Basics of team pking and clan wars


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Basics of team pking and clan wars



I find very usefull taking into account this little tips when I'm pking in team or doing clan wars, so I've made a quick guide with the basics of pking and clan wars for begginers. 


To take into account before the fight

(i) Always have the Auto Retalite deactivated.

(ii) If you are following the caller or leader, have the run activated.

(iii) Check your setup and inventory before the trip or war, the team is not comming back for you.

(iv) Make sure your mid sounds are on, so you can hear if someone is attacking you.


What to do at the beginning

As soon as you enter the portal (or as soon as you cross the ditch if you are in the wilderness) you have to follow the caller, and everyone should do so, dont follow any other teammate. It is important that you know who you are fighting with, so if you do not know your teammates because you are new, take a look at them and memorize the names and setups they're using. This is because when the two clans are mixed up fighting you have to know where's your head at.


How to defend yourself

Do not go away separating yourself from the clan. If you attack any enemy other than the pile, it is most likely that they will lure you and you will die in a second. Do not go rambo, just spot and attack the pile staying in the pack. If they attack you (because you may be the pile of the enemy clan) eat as if your life depended on it, in fact it literally do. You shouldn't die with food in the inventory. During a clan fight feel free to eat even though you have half the life bar in green, keep those hitpoints safe and sound.


How to attack

Be ready to attack whoever the caller says. Stay in the middle of the pack and search the pile as fast as possible but don't panic, do not attack the first white dot you see. Once you have found the pile, attack it with ranged or magic from the middle of the pack. When the pile says so, everyone will push with melee and use scims. If they try to lure you when meleeing, return to the center of the pack and focus on the pile.

Edited by Eameo
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Nice my dude, can I make a few suggestions to add to it?


- Before the fight

Middle sounds on. Knowing when you are getting attacked and what you are getting attacked by helps a ton.


- During the fight

You should always be safing in clan fights... There is always a chance someone can rambo you in p2p, or a quick pile in f2p will get you 1 hit.



Thanks for the guide!

Edited by Hilarious
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