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Here's your app Erik


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Congratulations! Your FOE Application has been approved.

1) Your forum rank will be changed to applicant and you will be able to post on your application.

2) Post pictures of any FOE events that you attend during the application process.

3) Remember to join foe-rs.com/discord and Teamspeak to gain referrals and be integrated into the clan.

4) Keep active on the forums and avoid spamming, trolling, and flaming as it could result in you being declined.

5) PM a High Council or Leader rank before the start of a PK trip to be added to the clan chat.

6) Attend every possible weekend and midweek event that you can in order to get accepted.

7) Set up two step authentication on your account here. This will be required as a member.

Good Luck!

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18 minutes ago, A2D said:

Congratulations! Your FOE Application has been approved.

1) Your forum rank will be changed to applicant and you will be able to post on your application.

2) Post pictures of any FOE events that you attend during the application process.

3) Remember to join foe-rs.com/discord and Teamspeak to gain referrals and be integrated into the clan.

4) Keep active on the forums and avoid spamming, trolling, and flaming as it could result in you being declined.

5) PM a High Council or Leader rank before the start of a PK trip to be added to the clan chat.

6) Attend every possible weekend and midweek event that you can in order to get accepted.

7) Set up two step authentication on your account here. This will be required as a member.

Good Luck!


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