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x G S Pure x - Pk Vid 2 - Near Maxed 1 Def Pure Pking

x g s pure x

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x G S Pure x
Most hated/loved pure in w65<3

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Hey, me again. Back for round 2. This time with more attack levels and hybriding :o.
Everything you are seeing is my very first attempt at hybriding. ive never done it before.
I think i did good for my first shot at hybriding, you tell me :]

Post CC, Tell me what you think, stop by to say hi, and dont forget to subscribe :].


Pk vid 3

Pk vid 2.5

Pk vid 1

Love me or hate me

That was actually really good.


really good video :) good job


IDK how you can hybrid w/o using f keys, lol. You do it pretty well, though. Once you learn how to use those your switching will also get much quicker. Nice job.


Nice vid but your stats aren't "Near Maxed" yet.


mmm nice hits / hybrinding / risk, editing = nothing special

4,5/5 ;)


thanks guys :]

mmm nice hits / hybrinding / risk, editing = nothing special

4,5/5 ;)

i can settle for that ;p


Nice, hopefully the hybridding is getting better now(:


Nice vid, hits coulda been higher for 99 str tho :p


Nice vid, hits coulda been higher for 99 str tho :p

i try :p

Nice, hopefully the hybridding is getting better now(:

its better :].

i been practicin in pvp.

switches gettin better.

usin fkeys.

etc etc :]


wasnt to bad but alot of staff bashing for some reason  :p


wasnt to bad but alot of staff bashing for some reason  :p

ide only bash ppl who had previously 1 itemd me.

flamed me.

rushed me then ran.

pjd me.

etc etc.

i never just pointlessly flame ppl.

was ok, ur bad at hybriding.

i kinda stated that in the vid.


Why were you staff bashing in some clips?


was ok, woulda liked to see hybriding outside of edgeville though. :nice:


Hey target <3


Why were you staff bashing in some clips?

wasnt to bad but alot of staff bashing for some reason  :p

ide only bash ppl who had previously 1 itemd me.

flamed me.

rushed me then ran.

pjd me.

etc etc.

i never just pointlessly flame ppl.

was ok, ur bad at hybriding.

i kinda stated that in the vid.


well, i liike to use ancient staff as a melee weapon sometimes.

no idea why, but i jsut like to, lol.

there was a few times i did it on accident, but all the other times were intentional :p


thats good to hear :]


It was good UNTIL I saw tabs in the inventory. I stopped the video after that. Dont Nh Kid.


It was good UNTIL I saw tabs in the inventory. I stopped the video after that. Dont Nh Kid.

fyi im 20 years old.

thats not a kid  :nice:

ill nh 24/7 if i want, its a video game.

if i decide to join a clan, then ill stop nhing, but i dont wanna, so ima tele.

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