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For Hunt Godlink <3333


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Recently transferred files from my old desktop and came across these when I was looking through my old "RS Screenshots" folder.

Some pics I took at Hunt Godlink's 99 Strength party hahaha, I was a noob and took screens of famous pkers/players

Didn't even take a picture of him getting 99 strength l0l, see if you guys can recognize some names from the chatbox  :embarrased:

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lol you carry your bank like that often?

How long ago was this?


Wasn't too long ago.. Quick had already gotten combat, lol. (not too long as in a couple years.) Quick was a cool dude, I used to talk to him a lot on TLP forums.


I might have been there.



lol you carry your bank like that often?

How long ago was this?

Wasn't my bank, and I have no idea why I had all that random stuff in my invo lol.

Pic was taken probably in late 07? Just have simon tell you when he got 99 str haha

Here's a pic of me ruining the pure I was gonna join foe in  (n)

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Old Skool Pixs ftw, ive got one somewhere that owns you all

About 2-3 years after i started playing :) Sadly no old skool ownors in it  :(

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Ehh, only thing I consider OS in rs2 is before specs were released. Or maybe right after, when double MSB spec was god.


that's not really old school.. I see gs's, bandos and d boots lol


that's not really old school.. I see gs's, bandos and d boots lol

If that was before Bounty hunter worlds came, i count it as 'old school'


Ehh, only thing I consider OS in rs2 is before specs were released. Or maybe right after, when double MSB spec was god.

This, I remember I finally made my acct a member and like 2 months later doublespec was taken out :(

And 'Luke I have a vidded kill on my yt channel that I made for an app for a clan 4 years ago  ;)

The acct STILL doesn't have a 99 though. LOL :victory:

God I miss the old maul... My friend had 70 str and was speccing triple 30s constantly  when it first came out... Also remember when whips were like 30m and mauls were 5m, and I remember trying to save up 14m for a green phat but ended up buying 2 santas and a mask instead (which are on an acct this guy I know irl hacked and he doesn't remember the information to it  :sleep: )

Man I miss the imperfections of PKing too... I miss just bringing two weapons into wildy with a super set and the rest food, now shit's gotten WAY too intricate to even bother to try and keep up with it.  :angry:


Good old days, I think I was at that party.


I thought that player house looked familiar... Then I read the pm in the second picture :lol: .



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Is that recent or from a way long time ago lol...


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Is that recent or from a way long time ago lol...

what do you think retard.


Where is the pic of Outofrange dying for claws + ags + ss + fire cape?


who the fucks dat il p0on3d kid and w0rst 1 y3t??


I just started playing runescape when that pic was probably taken lol


not that old lol, quickness with combat and godswords etc


yeh its not too old but still nice, any rs older than now is good to me lol and zany necromancers on rsc were win


when d scims still looked cool :S


i miss the old d scim look :( and the old monk robes too :,,,,,,(

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