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I have been buying and selling party hats in the GE for a few years now and have made a lot of money for it. A large amount of them are dumped into the economy every Christmas and the price continues to rise for 12 months before it crashes again, making it an amazing item to long-term merchant. With Jagex recently stating they want to introduce rare items into OSRS everyone is assuming they will discontinue the old rare items. I don't think they will... but because of this the price has gone through the roof.


Below are the prices that I was mass buying of partyhats in the GE the past two years


Partyhat prices
Current Offers Dec 2016
Purple - 1900
Green - 1750
Yellow - 1600
Red - 2400
White - 2500
Blue - 3600
Christmas Cracker - 4000


Current Offers Dec 2017
Purple - 1910
Green - 1738
Yellow - 1587
Red - 2345
White - 2664
Blue - 3601
Set - 17,491


You can now see below the current prices of a party hat set, this week it peaked at nearly 400k for a set.




Now just imagine what would happen to the price if someone like Sparc Mac dumped his hoard!




Just thought I would post as I find it interesting and was wondering what everyone else opinions on it are?

Will Jagex discontinue these items? 

Do you have your own stash of these items?

Do you think the price will continue to rise or crime Christmas, crash again like every other year.


economy in osrs is just sometimes weird


I don't think they will discontinue current holiday items, i think they will do like old runescape and do new event and item each year that you can't get if you miss the event and are untradable.


I have like 100 of each rare and 1k crackers but never followed the price, i'm going to see what they are worth atm lmao.


They will never add discontinued items into the game.

1 hour ago, Gwailo said:

I don't think they will discontinue current holiday items, i think they will do like old runescape and do new event and item each year that you can't get if you miss the event and are untradable.


I have like 100 of each rare and 1k crackers but never followed the price, i'm going to see what they are worth atm lmao.

really hope they do it like this TBH. I really like how the old rares aren't such a focus in OSRS.

10 minutes ago, Scaf said:

0 fucks given



There's no chance they discontinue current rares, would like to see discontinued untradeables  introduced though. Accounts with shit like scythes and bunny ears back in the day were really cool because it was like a mark of seniority and you knew the dude had been around forever.

8 hours ago, Toby said:

 With Jagex recently stating they want to introduce rare items into OSRS everyone is assuming they will discontinue the old rare items. I don't think they will... but because of this the price has gone through the roof.


People are retarded because jagex said it's not gonna be an item that is currently in the game lol

  • 1 month later...

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