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PURE WORLDS (1-10 def)


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Interesting idea. Would be cool for clanning, but will never happen due to the advantages it would give us outside of the wilderness. 

Posted (edited)

@Ep i think you should have only suggested a free to play world, p2p with defence can be managed, but nonetheless hopefully jagex looks into this


hey ty

Edited by Arro

100 % agreed, looks like they dont even care about the pure community at all, just their famous players and dmm season. There should at least be 1 Jagex Cup tournament for pures every year if not 2 times a year imo. Right now it just looks they dont give a fuck...

3 hours ago, Delhi said:

Good idea but i doubt jagex gonna do this





people choose to limit themselves why should they get a wolrd 4ner


They have an iron man mode why not pure worlds?


agreed but i doubt jagex will ever help us


Would be cool, never going to happen though.


Its like asking for ironman only worlds, you choose to limit your account and that's all the reasoning Jagex and the 'main' community will use.


I've said it before, but the biggest change the pking scene needs IMO is the players themselves need to change their attitude entirely. 

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Ep said:

I wanna talk with theis ppl, they dont have any valid reason or argument to not have even 1 pure world for test and if we proof it  we wll get it active and post pure community to sit on that world to show jagex


even J cup would change a lot, force Eop to fullout us. They dont have any reason to not do so aswell


I see only win here, if you can fucking sell. I wanna phone number to Jagex

The reason that they don’t want to make these worlds is that it goes against the entire point of the game. Pures were an unintended side effect of game mechanics and to suggest a world be created for this, i.e. a world for people that specifically are choosing not to level/limit their account makes no sense. Skill total worlds are there as a reward and an incentive to play the game, to have a world gifted to you because you didn’t actually do anything removes the incentive to train up/play the game.


Not to mention bots and gold farmers would have an absolute field day on a world where there were no mains in the wilderness.


As great of an idea this would be for pure clanning it just doesn’t work and won’t happen.

Edited by Probey

Jagex hates pure, goodluck


wont happen sadly 

Posted (edited)

addy gloves are a good example on how jokex wont go out of their way to make anything more QoL for pures

i'd really like this to happen though

Edited by Snipers

good idea jagex will ignore 


neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever gonna happen, sadly


could be interesting, what would prevent new accounts from using it though

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