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Big question for FOE clan


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EOP has been struggling against the eagle clan the past 7 weekend trips, losing two wilderness fullouts (including dropping over 50 people on teamspeak during the f2p part, and bringing over 80 mains on the p2p part).


They openly team with Apex and IR against the eagles; 3v1’ing FOE clan and still haven’t won in almost 2 months. 


They are down to 50 pulls, members are breaking left and right, and their leader left to ”Siege” , a newly opened clan. 


How long does EOP have left before they close for the 16th (yikes) time?




Probs less than 6 months unless they wanna keep getting carried by IR/Apex lmao


They are irellevant so they are already closed in my eyes


I’m sorry but who are you talking about? 

2 minutes ago, Kevyn said:

I’m sorry but who are you talking about? 



I've seen cases like this before, the cancer is bad, and spreading fast. I give em 6 months tops to live.

12 minutes ago, Kevyn said:

I’m sorry but who are you talking about? 



Thing is, if they close you will have no1 to play with, unless a new pure clan is born out of it, and still, even then the competition will suck.


It is better to wish the contrary right now, and when they pull the same as you, you can curse them all you want, makes more sense that way. Flaming someone that is not as successful as you are doesn't make you guys look good


when you get big, eop closes


As some1 who has no, zero, 0,000 clanning experience, just by seeing everything you guys done to them and what they stand for and respresent, I already know they're probably escapees from special ed class


i think they will slump for awhile and then get some hype back up, and you will break them again lol


Who is this eop clan you talk about. Thought they been ded for a while


they wont close too much of an ego


Depends if IR and Apex realise that there's no point carrying them.

2 hours ago, Utc said:

This lmao^



they will go 30 defence and close


they'll close the weekend after FI so they can claim they closed them

4 hours ago, So_easy99 said:

Thing is, if they close you will have no1 to play with, unless a new pure clan is born out of it, and still, even then the competition will suck.


It is better to wish the contrary right now, and when they pull the same as you, you can curse them all you want, makes more sense that way. Flaming someone that is not as successful as you are doesn't make you guys look good

If only you’ve seen what they have done to us the past year with bringing mains, doxing, dosing, etc.


They have legit tried everything, nothing is working anymore.


It's all downhill from here for that autistic clan, the propaganda isn't working for them lol


Foe’s legacy will never be tarnished, no clan will even come close to the success this clan has had. They should all close as they’re all fighting a lost cause.

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