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Worth to get Summoning?


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Is it worth to get summoming?

My charms atm

4681 GOLD , 3153 GREEN , 2096 CHRIMON , 450 OBSIDIAN , 593 BLUE

Say Yes or No and WHY!

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I Havent got it myself but tbh im pretty tempted, especially when u need money like i do atm lol could help alot, its up to u mate but i say go for it  <3 B) :nice:<diclass="msgbox">Noilesuploaded!</di><br><br>

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cossts a bit of money with all the secnodarys n stuff, but it mgiht be worth it, i miyself wouldnt get it, im old schoo, i dont like things helping me out :o :victory: gl with your choice

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Hmm I would say go for it, getting it only benefits you and you have more than enuth charms to get a cecent level :nice:

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Smited B O W

I would defo go for it and you have enought charms to get u a decent level.

Summoning often helps with skill but is a bit expensive with shards ect. But u can always sell ur pouches for shards to that guy.

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you have enough charms for 70+ easily im sure, wait til 70+ maybe 80+ to use your blue charms, it helps when training, and doesnt affect your pvp.

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ofcourse not dude...???? dude... you'l get to much combat then i know it doesnt count in pvp areana's but still my opinien is it fails =/ u can do it when ever u want to '' LATER ''  once u done it no way back.

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i would get i, if i had the charms you do helps training skills making money holding more items and also, it looks pritty cool to see a pure with summoning.

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