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is it just me or..


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Has bh drops got shit lately? Because, I just downed full rune with 12ep, and got  an addy kite and swordfish while risking 600k.

And my last 3 target kills have all been BELOW 350k. anyone else noticed this?


you're probably not dieing enough with a high risk..go get some junk outta your bank and die with it should help you out..


350k is very good for me. I rarely get over 150k, have killed over 500 targs.


you're probably not dieing enough with a high risk..go get some junk outta your bank and die with it should help you out..

Just did this, died with 500k junk, got a 750k drop.

Thanks <3


loots are sometimes based on skill used, maybe ur not skillful enough lul


meh most the time i get shit drops but i do get 1m pk atleast 1nce a day


loots are sometimes based on skill used, maybe ur not skillful enough lul

Skill used? Ok lol.  :lol:


Its all luck. Ur whining after 350k drops? You got spoiled by jagex...


it doesnt depend on skill cause if it did id be getting vls every drop


Yeah you gotta die a lot to get good drops, I rarely profit from pking, actually.. Make that never.


loots are sometimes based on skill used, maybe ur not skillful enough lul

check my bh rank, check yours


Its all luck. Ur whining after 350k drops? You got spoiled by jagex...

It's just because, i usually get 500K+ Targs, every time i risk 1m+. And now im getting under 300k drops. And that barely pays for my stuns.


Its all luck. Ur whining after 350k drops? You got spoiled by jagex...


Kill bandos Get bronze

Kill bronze Get bandos.



i can understand where your comming frm same happens to me .

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