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severed arow

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I had been waiting for ages to get a target, i finally got one i was like yay! i Searched him up ... hmmm ... easy kill 70 str 60 def 1 attk 35 mage 1 ranged? (the mage and range are somin like that ) so he wouldnt come 1v1 and he had noone with him so i went in and started to kill him i was owning him he must have had liek 2hp then he said now! and like every 1 itemer that could attack me gmauled me and i died what an asshole...

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Ahahahahah. sounds like you shouldnt be going multi on your own


:P i was impatient


Yeah it's your fault for not having summoning tbh.


lol i had a dragon claw tank kid targ once hiding in multi with a butt buddy but i got my friend who also had claws to spec him, but targ specced me and i died but friend koed him and i had done more damage so i got drop  :). just make some friends around you level so if that ever happens u just call em in to team him


what would summoning do for me? but i am getting 57 summoning soon for nature rune crafting


So goddamn typical. I HATE 1 ITEMERS. HATE HATE HATE


Rofl you got your ass lured.  Yeah like some people said, just call in some mates and he'll be down pretty quick next time.


I have seen something very similar. I saw a video once where JoJo lured a level 3 in a blue phat into level 1 wild. About 10 steps right out of sight were about 25 level 4 accounts all ready to cast windstrike. They owned him and got the phat in about 2 seconds


what would summoning do for me? but i am getting 57 summoning soon for nature rune crafting

make your combat higher, though you would still be able to attack your target in lvl 1 wilderness... you could be lvl 80 and he lvl 70, and you can hit him in lvl 1.


get those overheads up in multi lolz


damn that sucks well i got 1 item by an agser and he koed me whit my bank >.>


why would u 1v1 someone in multi. brain much?


idiot, they're downies and they come to 1v1 eventually


Wot a legend. Now!


"You have a AGS you are rich, let me kill you for free?"

"You are too good for me I'm going to wait at the bank."

"Nice stats! *teleports to MB and hides* "


to all people who said why 1v1 in multi i knew he was gonna get help i was impatient and i had to leave i didnt want to let my targ go without having a crack at him... i only lost like 10 d bolts 75 rune knives glory cb brace ect

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