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Im Hooded Up Owns W65 East drags


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8 Brews + a pokemon to protect u at 9 wild in single... on top of that like 3 necks only 1 restore 3 ppots.. hybridding wasnt all that you complain about someone praying from u 10 levels lower when you did it to someone else, and as for pjing its drags, you're in a 3man team use them.. you got no kills and died once #1 vid 10/10


nice hybriding but it's not really a pk video :S

Its a video and hes pking.
PK- Player killing

I didnt see very much killing, mainly teleing. Its a PTing vid?

I fucking lold at first clip how you brewed up after he claws, forgot to repot and specced twice with dds, gj

-no accumulator in first few clips= no drag bolts?

-normal restore pots?

-if you cant kill cus they tele, get a tber..?

Apart from that, nice switches, hotkey usage

I saw a pk in there.


8 Brews + a pokemon to protect u at 9 wild in single... on top of that like 3 necks only 1 restore 3 ppots.. hybridding wasnt all that you complain about someone praying from u 10 levels lower when you did it to someone else, and as for pjing its drags, you're in a 3man team use them.. you got no kills and died once #1 vid 10/10

I like pking with brews, and a pokemon, I can just last for ages, e.g. If we run into a team, usually I can take a few down with the terrorbird, then tank the rest down to ditch with the brews.

And level 9 single, that was the first fight, I was walking up to drags and got attacked.

2 necks, and I use normal restores coz super restores are rediculously over priced lol. I had a super restore on the first kill coz it was just randomly lying in my bank.

I complained about pray because he's in a pure clan.. And not once in that video did I pray first. If they pray, I pray.

It was actually a 2 man team, we just randomly met a green dot while we was pking.

I got a kill at the end, you need to watch the very end.

EDIT: The 82 that prayed, if he doesn't want to fight people 10 levels higher than him, how about not going to drags?


@Hep, - I prefer using mage/melee, hence no range pots in most the clips, range was there as a severe backup incase I get frozen and they're praying mage. I was using rune bolts, which hit the same as d bolts (without spec) and most people antifire now anyway, so mmmm.

- Super restores are stupidly over priced.

- I TRIED TO GET A TBER! Lol nobody was on regular magics -.-


you make a vid off everything you do lol

Tom (Rendition)

I dont like that dub remix of what used to be a good tune.


you need some actual experience

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